Watercolor Roses

August 4, 2017
Watercolor Quilting, Roses

Watercolor Quilting, Roses

Good Morning, Quilters!

I was supposed to be dusting…

But then I started watching  Kateri Ewing’s-Watercolor Start Up Class from Craftsy (get 25%off with my affiliate link HERE)

Now I  have so many ideas I want to try!

I played with Nora’s Rose and Messy Spiral Roses

But what about the Perfect Pumpkin or Apples

Watercolor Quilting, RosesI love this–no UFOs, no binding…

What about YOU?

Have you ever stitched on paper?

We’d LOVE to hear!


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com.  Thank you!



  • Beautiful Lori! Now I wish I were home from vacation so I could play!! LOL

  • Crazy Granny

    I’m with you – the dusting can wait. Your work is lovely and creative. I hope you will have it framed.

  • Beautiful Lori!

  • Marta

    Appears like you used good paper…. sometimes you can moisten the paper before you paint. Tape down the sides leaving the corners untaped. then moisten with a brush. Blot with towel if it got too wet. Let dry..air or hairdryer. Then stitch.. gives variety of effects.

    • WordPress.com Support

      Thanks for the tips!

    • Marta

      Blue painters tape works best.

      • I embroidered cards on card stock but that was long ago.

  • Marta

    Oh, gasp and wow and that is so beautiful… you are a professional immediately!! Drool…Lori… Hire someone to dust. Don’t waste your talent-time on the mundane if you can help it. Grands are always looking for spending money, even if you have to “borrow” some. Mine live out of town but I let them know before they visit if a job is open when they get here. My first watercolor was back in 1978 and the subject was a pile of pumpkins on a wooden porch floor.. Fun ! (Hmmm, that might make a nice wall hanging now for Autumn.. paint and thread..)

  • Kathy

    Awesome!! Thought about it but haven’t actually tried it yet. Now I must!

  • Barb Despen

    I took a class from Kathy McNeil a couple years ago at MQ. She uses Fabric Paint crayons and sells them on her website. Another friend uses PaintStiks to paint fabric.

  • Susan

    Yes I have stitched on paper, & “Wow” your water color roses are gorgeous! Makes me wan to try that! Did you stitch or paint first? I’m guessing stitch first.

  • Never tried it but am so inspired to now. Thank you! Your roses are beautiful!

  • Pat Meinecke

    No I haven’t stitched on paper except to try to introduce 12 teenagers to “control” their sewing machines. (What a hoot!) However, must say that I Love the sweet Hedgehog pincushion that appeared at bottom of your post. Now that’s also on my list of “to do”.

    Looking forward to seeing you at FS again.

  • Bernadette

    No ,but so lovely , it makes me want to now!

  • I have not tried quilting, thread painting, or thread sketching on paper, but it would be a fun experiment. I think of thread (and fabric) as another painting media.

  • Donna Belisle

    No, but I still have my watercolors and your beautiful spiral roses have me salivating and maybe I will have to get those paints out from wherever they are hiding.

  • Caroline

    Why don’t you try silk scarves? Wearable-sewable art!

  • Barb Despen

    Does stitching on paper dull the needle faster, like cutting paper with your fabric scissors?

    • WordPress.com Support

      Yes. I used an old needle–

      • Good to know. I have not thrown out my old needles. Now they. An get more mileage!

  • Marsha Siperek

    I am now following you on Pinterest and love your work!!

  • Beautiful roses! No, I haven`t stitched on paper.

  • Which do you do first, paint or sew? I love this!

  • Brenda Moore

    Love this, we were just talking about this last week at our guild meeting!

  • Cheri

    You were my inspiration to stitch on paper. I haven’t stopped since I received your book. You give us the license to try everything and anything. I stitched on paper while at the hospital this week with hubbys knee replacement surgery while most people in the waiting room were watching the tv. I couldn’t help my self, I had so much fun finding new inspiration around me in the flowers on the receptionist deck to a beautiful sweater I saw. It made the time fly by.

    • WordPress.com Support

      Cool! And speedy recovery to the hubby!

  • Rosemaryflower

    :::gasp!::: Wow. So pretty. Really really pretty, Lori

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