Walk the Dog!

September 28, 2013
Ruby waiting

Ruby waiting

This is Ruby.  She is trying to be patient, but I used the word “Walk” before I was ready to go…

Hope you have time for a nice long walk with a friend today!


You might also like:  Ruby’s in the Dog House  and It’s a Dog’s Life



  • I wish I were close enough to go on a walk with Ruby, she looks like the perfect dog!

  • Susie

    Took my Lexie, Standard Poodle for a walk today. Weather is cooling here in Phoenix. The heat of summer prevents walks on hot pavement and temps. We visited with neighbors and pups. >>>> THEN, the dreaded Jake Russell appeared. Lexie and the JR are not friendly. Owner lets the demon off leash (often) and it runs to attack any dog in site. I tried to remove my Lexie from the “scene” early but she freaked, tangled me in the leash and down I went. I was mad at JR owner, JR and Lexie. Not a good day. Retreated to completing a quilt top assembly…. sandwich tomorrow.

    • A

      Oh my! I owned a Jack Russell once–for six months–we had to give it to a rescue because he was such a difficult puppy–so I can visualize the whole thing! So glad you had quilting to comfort you! Better find a new walking path in the future!

  • Sharon

    Patience thy name is dog! My doggie too.

  • Barbara

    What a beautiful face!

  • OOPS – I know exactly what you mean! We have two furry “kids” in our home and it’s double oops if I do what you did!!! 🙂

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