Valentine’s Day is just around the corner – can you believe it?!? I don’t know about you, but 2019 has already been a busy year for the Kennedy Clan!
Faye and I traveled to Dallas where I spoke at the Dallas Modern Quilt Guild and taught a full day workshop! We met a lot of very fun and talented women!

We returned home to Minnesota just in time for a snow storm and then the polar vortex – brrr!
Let’s just say it’s been the weather I needed to force myself to hunker down on some projects – projects I’m excited to share with you soon!
It’s also been the perfect weather for me to start on my Valentines! I thought I’d try to get them out before St. Patrick’s Day this year…
Here are a few of my favorite motifs for you to try for your Valentine! Whether you’re making a vase quilt, a pillow case, cards or just practicing, here are some LOVE-ly motifs to get you going!
The Doodle Heart

Sweetheart Border

Heart Leaf Border

Nora’s Rose

Lucinda Herring
I always quilt my initials and date in my quilting. I had an idea when I saw this that I will now add a little heart. Shows I made it with love.❤️
Arvilla Trag
A-HA! That Sweetheart border (which looks a lot like old-fashioned bleeding hearts in the garden) is the perfect thing for a crib quilt I am making. Thanks, Lori!
You certainly come up with most creative ideas! The Doodle Heart is beautiful, I’m going to try it. Would you be willing to share the size of the grid you drew on the fabric?
VERY glad to hear from you and know you’re OK. The weather news people said your snowstorms were really bad. We had some here in Eastern PA as well, but just a little compared to you. We also had some crazy, wild winds and that were enough to knock out power in the whole neighborhood. But I’m blessed with a be-prepared type hubby who bought us a standby generator that runs the house. So when the power’s out, we can invite neighbors in with whatever food they want to bring and any desired ‘liquid refreshment’ (ahem!) to keep everyone warm, fed, and happy. Snowstorm party! Makes being snowed-in fun.
Best of everything to you and your wonderful family.
Holly Ann
Suzanne, just click on the name of the design you wish to use which is linked to that particular tutorial. It will take you right to the directions. FYI
Thank you Holly Ann!
Lori Kennedy
Sounds like a blast!! We have another storm headed our way – might have to try it!
Terri Crothers
My mother loved Valentines Day best because it was all about love. She passed in Sept so I will decorate my front window box and door in her honour tomorrow.❣️
Love, love, love, ALL your hearts !! This year I am baking heart confections, cookies, and cake for all my loved ones. Still working on delayed Christmas quilts, LOL ! Glad you didn’t get snowed in. Wouldn;t have been surprised if your electricity was out for days….. We weathered the storm with some leftover fog…LOL. Today in south GA it was 72′ and lovely. An unusual blessing for Feb. OK…now to jump from computer to sewing machine.
Lori Kennedy
I have a few Christmas projects of my own to finish…On to the next holiday for now – ha!
What a wonderful working trip this must have been! With your daughter and all those Quilter’s!
kate gypsybaker
Welcome back! The heart designs are beautiful. Missed you! Kate
I’m working on a couple of mini valentine quilts. I love the Doodle Heart — I will try to incorporate it in my quilt!
Lori Kennedy
I’d love to see them!
Nancy Burbacher
One of my most cherished possessions is the paper valentine I found among my father’s items after he passed at the age of 90+. It was a valentine he sent to my mother BEFORE they were married in 1924. I’m sure he found it among her treasures when she passed away. I hope when my children find it, they will treasure it as well. Great memories!
I make fabric Valentine postcards every year for my three daughters and their hubbies and my little grandson. This year’s are ready to go into the mail today. It’s one of my favorite yearly projects and always such fun to start working on after the let down I feel after all the Christmas decorations are packed away.
Lori Kennedy
You are on top of it!! There’s nothing better than some special snail mail!
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