Celebrating Five Years of Blogging with a New Banner!!!
Blogging, Machine Quilting
Good Morning, Quilters! When a UFO lingers too long...giving yourself a deadline (and telling 10,000 people about it) really helps!…Design Decision or Just Plain ‘Ole Procrastination?
Creativity, Machine Quilting
Good Morning, Quilters! I'm working on a new banner for my sewing room! First, I stabilized around the center squares. …The Open Leaf with Spiral-Machine Quilting Tutorial
All, Flowers/Leaves, Machine Quilting, Motifs
Good Morning, Quilters! Today we are going to review one of the earliest motifs offered here at The Inbox Jaunt--it…Seamstresses in Fine Art
Peasant Girl Knitting a Stocking Philipp Malayvin (1869-1940) Russian Read more about this portrait artist whose favorite color was red…Open Line Friday-Quilt-a-Song
Design, Machine Quilting
Good Morning, Quilters! Welcome to Open Line Friday! Today's question: If YOU were to turn any song or poem into…A New Project-Sneak Peek
Gallery, Machine Quilting
Good Morning, Quilters! I recently splurged on a collection of hand dyed fabric from Cherrywood Fabrics... They are sooooo pretty--the…Quick Tip-Quilting with Pre-Cuts
Product Reviews, Quilt
Good Morning, Quilters! Do YOU ever quilt with pre-cuts? Last week, when I was using charm squares (5 x 5")…Four Secrets to Better Spirals
All, Background Fills, Machine Quilting, Machine Quilting Quick Tips, Motifs, Patterns/Shapes
Good Morning, Quilters! Thank you all for participating in the Open Line Friday discussion on Stabilizing...Be sure to read all…