Tuesday Tutorial–The Open Leaf

March 5, 2013
Free Motion Quilt, Tutorial, Open Leaf

Free Motion Quilt, Tutorial, Open Leaf

In today’s tutorial, we are stitching the Open Leaf.  (It is open on the bottom-which will be important in some of the variations.) It is my favorite stitch motif as it is very versatile for borders and for fillers.  There are endless variations.  This motif can be used as a replacement for feathers, and it is a stepping stone for learning feathers.

In our last tutorial, we learned the Greek Key.  The Open Leaf looks great paired with any geometric pattern.

Free Motion Quilt, Tutorial, Open Leaf

So without further ado,  let’s begin the Open Leaf.   Start with three parallel lines-any width that suits your fancy or your quilt…I usually stitch this pattern from the bottom –up.

Begin on the center rail, curve up and to the right.  Stitch along the right rail for several stitches…

Free Motion Quilt, Tutorial, Open Leaf

Stitch down and back toward your first stitches, but leave a small opening.  This prevents the center of the motif from getting too “thready”  with a build up of stitches.

Free Motion Quilt, Tutorial, Open Leaf

Next, stitch up and to the left rail, again stitching along the left rail for several stitches–before returning to the center again.

Free Motion Quilt, Tutorial, Open Leaf

Repeat, swinging from right to left.  You will quickly find a rhythm–and you won’t want to stop!

Free Motion Quilt, Tutorial, Open Leaf

For added interest, stitch an occasional Upward Curl (See tutorial here) or a Downward Curl (See tutorial here)

Free Motion Quilt, Tutorial, Open Leaf

There are many variations we will be stitching with this basic pattern…It is a work-horse of a stitch!

Free Motion Quilt, Tutorial, Open Leaf

Please check out the other tutorials in the Quilt Section above…and tomorrow…a Doodle Quilt Giveaway!  (Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day–a Kennedy Family Favorite!)



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