Tuesday Tutorial-The Greek Key

February 26, 2013
Greek Key Free Motion Quilting Tutorial

Greek Key Free Motion Quilting Tutorial

Today is Tuesday –and you know what that means…we are free-motion quilting!  I have a classic design for you today–The Greek Key.  But first, you have to learn a little ditty… actually it’s more like a cheer...Let’s hear it–

UP, right, DOWN, right, UP…

say it louder:  UP, right, DOWN, right, UP!

I can’t hear you ….

     UP, right, DOWN, right, UP!

(much better, thank you!)

In order to have any chance of stitching this design consistently, you must say that out loud several times before you get started….Greek Key Free Motion Quilting Tutorial

I think of this pattern as having three parts:

1.  The Box-not completely square– as the bottom line of the box does not make it to the bottom rail…

2.  The “Cheer” –UP, right, DOWN, right, UP

3.  The Escape–stitch yourself back out of the box

Greek Key Free Motion Quilting Tutorial

First draw two guidelines or “rails”–(mine are 3/4 inch apart)

Now, let’s stitch THE BOX:  Start on the bottom rail, stitch straight up to the top rail—stitch across the top rail—stitch straight down, but don’t go as far as the bottom rail—then stitch across, but don’t close the box… STOP  here…

Pause where you are (with your needle down, of course) and repeat our cheer before proceeding…UP, right, DOWN, right, UP…Greek Key Free Motion Quilting Tutorial

Now for THE CHEER…

Look at the photo below… Do you see it?  UP, right, DOWN, right, UP…

Now stitch it…UP,  a few stitches to the right, DOWN,  a few stitches to right, UP….

Stop here (with your needle down)…and we’ll look at The Escape

Greek Key Free Motion Quilting Tutorial

THE ESCAPE:    Just follow “the path” out of the box..That’s it!  You are ready to begin again.   Opa!!

Greek Key Free Motion Quilting Tutorial

As you can see, this pattern deserves its place in art and architecture…and now…

Greek Key Free Motion Quilting Tutorial

…in YOUR quilts!

Greek Key Free Motion Quilting Tutorial

Next Tuesday, we’ll be stitching the “Lovely Open Leaves”  that pair beautifully with the Greek Key...

and tomorrow is Work In Progress WednesdayA Pincushion Tutorialbe there or be square!



  • I love this design. I’ve just finished a quilt top for a wall quilt behind our bed. I’m having a heck of a time trying to decide what motifs to quilt and what color thread to use. But this may be just right for the border-our wedding bands are a greek key design, so it would be perfect! If you’d be so kind as to take a look at my quilt top to give me suggestions, I would be more than happy to email you a picture, or I’m sure there’s a pic of it somewhere on my blog too. Have an awesome day and thanks so much for the tutorials. 🙂

    • I’d be happy to look at your quilt. Can you send the direct to your quilt? I absolutely love the idea of adding a Greek key-as a nod to the pattern on your wedding rings!

  • I really like how you have combined the designs with the geometric Greek key in the center with the free form leaves on the outside. It’s a nice contrast.

  • What kind of thread do you use? My thread keeps breaking and I am wondering if it might be the wrong kind. Thanks.

    • My current favorite threads are Aurifil–great for practice–it never breaks. I also love Sulky viscose–pictured in today’s post (large spool that I buy at JoAnns —with a coupon of course) and Isacord–from the sewing machine dealer. I use a size 80 universal (sometimes 70 universal) needle with all of those. When I do have breakage—for my machine—it is usually a broken thread caught in my bobbin area… Let me know how that goes, I have some other ideas if not…Also, what kind of machine do you have?

      • I am using my husbands Elna. 🙂 Yes he has his own and considers it a power tool. Nothing fancy. I have no idea the name of the thread I have in there, so I will look for Aurifil. Thanks. I often have problems with my bobbin and getting a birds nest of thread on the back of my quilt. It seems to happen if I run my machine for more than 5 min straight. I just had it cleaned and tuned, so I don’t think that is the problem. :{ I will try the new thread. Thanks. 🙂

        • Do you pull your bobbin thread to the top of your fabric before you start sewing? Unless your thread is very old I would guess that the problem is your sewing machine. Probably bobbin case somewhere

          Sent from my iPhone

          • Yes I do pull the thread to the top. Since thread is cheaper than a new machine, I will start there. 😀
            Thanks so much for the tips. I hope the thread will do the trick!

  • You have a lot of patience! Very nice, and the color also. http://projectsbyMtetar.wordpress.com

  • Love the color of the fabric!

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