Tuesday Tutorial-The Double Heart-Leaf Vine

August 6, 2013

Free Motion Quilt Tutorial, Double Heart Leaf Vine

Good morning, Quilters!  I hope you had time to try last week’s tutorial:  The Heart-Leaf Vine.

The Heart-Leaf Vine is a pretty motif and can stand alone in any quilt.   Today’s pattern, The Double Heart-Leaf Vine is a very full pattern.  It would look great down the center of a table runner, on the border of a pillowcase, or in a row of any quilt.  So let’s get started…

This is a “four-pass” motif.  In other words, you will stitch down the length of your quilt four times to complete the full design.

Free Motion Quilt Tutorial, Double Heart Leaf Vine

Free Motion Quilt Tutorial, Double Heart Leaf Vine

Begin by drawing three lines.  The first line is the “baseline“.  The second line is one inch away from the baseline.  The “top line”  is 1-1/2 inches away from the baseline.

The first “pass” is the simple Heart-Leaf Vine--stitched in last week’s tutorial (HERE)

I added a small mark every inch along the baseline-to mark the midline of each leaf.

Free Motion Quilt Tutorial, Double Heart Leaf Vine

The motifs are quite close together, but not touching.

Free Motion Quilt Tutorial, Double Heart Leaf Vine

Free Motion Quilt Tutorial, Double Heart Leaf Vine

For the “second pass“,  flip the quilt over so the “top line” is now the “baseline”.

The motif is stitched in exactly the same manner as before–tucking the top of the leaf into the space created by the first row of leaves.

Free Motion Quilt Tutorial, Double Heart Leaf Vine

Passes Three and Four are echo-quilt stitching of the outer scallops.  These passes are very simple and quick, but give the motif a much fuller, richer look.

Even though each heart is not perfect…the overall look is pleasing.

Free Motion Quilt Tutorial, Double Heart Leaf Vine

I hope you will give this lovely pattern a try the next time you need a border.

PS–Stitched with Sulky 40 wt thread and with a size 80 Quilting needle.  My new threads just arrived and I can’t wait to experiment! (Read more about threads HERE.)

PPS–All tutorials and photos are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  For any commercial purposes–please contact me directly.

PPPS–If anyone knows anything about publishing a workbook of quilt motifs—you know where to find me!



  • Lovely blog and love this post! I love to sew but having tried quilting yet.I would love to start. I love the quilt fabric and pieces. Thanks you for following <3

    • I love quilting–so many colorful fabrics–and you never have to worry that the finished product won’t fit!

  • Elizabeth

    This Double Heart-Leaf vine is so pretty. Each Tuesday, I get out my lap dry erase board & practice drawing your motifs, and as soon as I have the time I try them out using my longarm machine! I, too, would totally buy your book of motifs…go for it! 🙂

    • I love the idea of the dry erase board for practice. Do you mind if I share it in a post? Thanks for your encouragement.

  • Paula Mountjoy

    Lori, you should contact Martingale Publishing, they publish all of That Patchwork Place quilting books. I have a book of 500 quilting motifs from them that I refer to quite often. They can get you through the publishing process entirely by email, with questionnaires and guidelines. I’d totally buy your book and I’ve only been a blog fan of yours for a couple of months. You have a great way of breaking down complicated patterns into easier step by step pieces. Good luck!

    • Paula,
      Thank you for the reference. How do you know about the publishing process-guidelines, questionnaires, etc. Have you published with them? Do you have a contact name at Martingale? I really appreciate your help!

  • Love it! I am so inspired….

  • Susan Stanton

    Another beautiful motif, Lori! Thanks for including the thread information. I’m going to start practicing today because you make it look possible. Looking forward to more thead talk.

    • Thanks, Susan. Start today! It is so much fun once you develop a little rhythm. I hope to discuss threads every Thursday for the next few months–and include some discussions about tension which is so critical to the free motion quilting process.

  • Carol Ashford

    Do you have a stitch regulator on your machine….. only ask because your stitches are perfect?

    Carol – Mississauga, Ontario, CANADA

    • Hi Carol,
      I do not use a stitch regulator. I learned to free motion quilt before they were readily available. If you look closely, my stitches are not perfect, but the overall effect is pleasing.

  • Beth-Near Washington DC!

    Beautiful…. someday I’ll get back to sewing and quilting and I will use some of your lessons.

  • Patti Kaplan

    Another successful Tuesday tutorial. Thank you for sharing your talent.

  • Dottie

    Lori, As a new free motion quilter I can’t tell you how helpful your tutorials are. I was so hesitant to do FMQ on anything other than test sandwiches but I tried your double heart motif on my pillow shams and totally impressed everyone with my skills. Even my husband was impressed! Thank you so much for sharing your amazing talents.

    • Music to my ears! I’m thrilled that you were able to take the tutorials and make something beautiful! That is truly my goal! I would love to see a photo of your shams! Any chance you could send me a snapshot?

      • Dottie

        HI Lori, I couldn’t figure out how to attach a picture here so I will send it to you via email. Thanks again for all your help. I anxiously await Tuesdays for the new motif. Dottie

  • Every Tuesday I can’t wait to open your email because I know I will start my day off with amazement at your talent and ability to create such beautiful quilting patterns.

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