Tuesday Tutorial-Postponed

October 29, 2013

Free motion quilting, yellow, flour-de-lisGood morning, Quilters!  Usually I find that creative deadlines are very helpful.  At other times, it seems one can’t rush the creative process. (Last time I did, I stitched through my finger!)  I find that I must post pone today’s tutorial until Thursday–but I promise it will be worth the wait!

Thanks for understanding,


PS…Until then, check out all of the other tutorials HERE–and see what’s on Flickr HERE



  • mottine

    prenez soin de votre doigt,vos tutos-cours explicatifs sont fabuleux,on peut attendre un peu…

  • My goodness, no worries out here! Life happens, don’t cha know?

  • Wow, sewing through a finger is no fun! Ihope you fell better!
    Always, Queenie

  • Carole McClellan

    Thanks for the update – I’m sure we’re all looking forward to Thursday! In the meantime, have a good day (and tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that …. 😉 )

  • Chris

    When I stitched through my finger it was the same I even had my coat on was making a little bag to take to a party and was leaving for the party and wam had to sit all evening with an ice cube on my finger. Can’t wait to see what you have for us xx

  • Marianne

    Your posts are worth waiting for as well as savoring. When your tutorial comes, it will be worth the wait anytime. Your sharing with us is what I truly appreciate, and I imagine many of your subscribers agree.

    Have a sunny, peaceful day!

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