Trick or Treat! The Sweet Candy Free Motion Quilt Tutorial

October 28, 2014
Free Motion Quilting Candy

Free Motion Quilting CandyDid you buy your candy for Halloween Trick or Treat yet?  Only days left…

Perhaps you might snatch a few pieces for inspiration for today’s tutorial:  Sweet Candy!


Begin by drawing two lines or “rails”…just to keep things tidy.   In the practice piece below, the lines are two inches apart.

Begin stitching inside the drawn lines.  Stitch a rounded rectangle.

Free Motion Quilting CandyStitch around the corner and sew a squiggly line.

Free Motion Quilting CandyStitch out from the squiggly line to create a triangle.  A wavy triangle is best.

Free Motion Quilting CandyStitch into the triangle.  Then stitch two long loops.  Stitch out of the triangle under the squiggly lines and into the rectangle.

Free Motion Quilting Candy

Stitch along the length of the rectangle, curve back and forth and stop on the outer right edge of the rectangle.

Free Motion Quilting Candy

Repeat the squiggly line, the wavy triangle and the loops inside the triangle.

Then stitch out and under the piece of candy.

SWEET!  The first piece of candy is ready to EAT!  

Free Motion Quilting CandyFor the next piece…stitch a spiral…

Free Motion Quilting CandyOr…YOUR favorite candy!

Free Motion Quilting CandyBe creative, fill the basic candy shape with any decorative stitches.

OR …change the shape of the candy...

Also, use this pattern as an All-over motif by adjusting the lines connecting the candy.

Free Motion Quilting CandyRemember, it’s YOUR candy—YOU get to choose!

(Tootsie Rolls— for ME!)

May YOUR stitches be sweet,


NOTE-This tutorial was stitched on Robert Kaufman’s Kona cotton with Sulky 40 wt Rayon on top and Aurifil 50 wt cotton in the bobbin -Topstitch 90 needle -on my Bernina 150 without a stitch regulator.  (The Bernina 150 is a standard, domestic sewing machine.)

PS…All tutorials, information and images are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!



  • Very very cool!!! Love your tutorials I am just now getting into attempting this. Thanks agsin

  • So swee

  • Lori you are so clever with your designs! Thanks for sharing!

  • Leslie Schmidt

    I like how you made little ruffles in the ends of some of the wrappers. I’m so glad you’re smart enough to figure out these wonderful designs. Your talent and generosity knows no bounds!

  • I just love your work!!! Thank you so much!!!

  • lavonne


  • Um…was eating a tootsie while reading your new post…it’s not too early for tootsie’s is it…they go so good with coffee! Cute designs! Will work for many fun projects. 🙂

  • kaholly

    Oh, my goodness, these are just too, too cute!! Thanks so much!

  • Cute design, Lori — although I have to confess that I was expecting “candy corn” when I saw the title. (-;

  • Paula

    This is adorable, as usual!!!!! Great job Lori! I love all the variations, I’m thinking Christmas also!

  • Tavette

    Oh my – even stitching for Halloween candy. You ARE the best! You definitely have your thinking cap on 24/7 to even figure out how to write the name of the candy inside the candy. As usual, I’m impressed.

    Tavette – S. Fla.

  • That is too adorable!!! My head is already thinking of the myriad of variations appropriate for the upcoming Christmas season!!!!!!


    Thank you Lori. I look for your projects first each day–you are an inspiration.

  • Love this! Your tutorials are the best! Thanks!

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