Thursday Doodles: Scallops

May 14, 2015
Doodle Lessons: The Scallop

Doodle Lessons: The ScallopGood Morning, Quilters and Doodlers!

Are you ready for a new prompt? Some of you don’t need a prompt to start doodling, but some people do AND I think the veteran doodlers might enjoy a new direction.  The key to doodling is to keep it simple.  Start with a simple shape, then just repeat and vary, repeat and vary…

Our simple shape today is The Scallop.  It is a classic for quilting, too.

Start with a scallop…it can be deep or shallow, thin or very wide (like bunting).  Choose one size and draw several rows.

Doodle Lessons: The Scallop

Add simple echoes on the inside or a radiating embellishment.

Doodle Lessons: The Scallop

Doodle Lessons: The ScallopChange the scallop line to a row of circles…

Doodle Lessons: The ScallopNow go a little doodle crazy and see how many different ways you can fill the scallops.

Doodle Lessons: The ScallopThis could take all week…but don’t let it!  There’s quilting to be done!

Doodle Lessons: The Scallop

Today’s quilt is The Feathered Leaf Vase quilt.

You can find the Feathered Leaf tutorial HERE.

Stitch the Grid tutorial HERE.

Happy doodles!


PS. Quilt Market is in Minnesota this week!  I may post from there…or I might just collect good blog stuff and save it for next week.  If you don’t hear from me…I’m on an Inbox (lowercase)  jaunt…a fact finding, photo gathering mission for Quilters Everywhere!



  • Sensational scallops! I indeed need to try these. Thanks for another great idea, Lori. Bet you’re having a blast at Quilt Market–so much to see!

  • Love this idea. I need to get busy and start doodling! Really love the flower in the shape.

  • I can’t believe you are at quilt market! Jealous! I knew it was in Minnie this spring! I want to see gobs of pics! Came wait to hear what you see and find!! BTW your scallops gave me an idea… Have had a quilt top laying on a bed for two months trying to decide what to quilt on it…

    • Support

      Thanks Ness! It was really fun to see! Back all day today and tomorrow.

  • Have fun in Minneapolis! There are some great restaurants there. Been following the Moda blog re market booth set up. Been an exhibitor and done that. Enjoy and am waiting to see what you post!

  • Paula

    Have fun at market! Don’t worry about posting…..we’ll be here when you get back! Can’t wait to hear about what treasures you find!

  • Enjoy quilt market and don’t worry: we’ll be busy doodling scallops and finding new and different ways to fill them… 😉

  • kattails

    Well—since you have such a GOOD excuse—we’ll forgive you if you don’t post! lol!!! These scallops and swags are absolutely wonderful…and looking at your doodlings I would never have thought of such additions to them. (I don’t think that sentence was grammatically correct—but hopefully was understandable!) I’ve got to add more Flair pens to my grocery list—those are what I like to use to doodle quilting designs. Blessings, Lori— and safe travels.

    • Support

      I like Flairs too! Great colors!

  • Kim johnson

    I just recently found your blog and I love it! I love to FMQ and I’m of the thinking that you never quit learning new methods and designs. You offer so many of both! Keep on dining what you’re doing.

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