The Walker Art Center-A Minneapolis Jaunt

August 16, 2013
Walker Art Center, Minneapolis Sculpture Garden

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis Sculpture Garden

Yesterday, my daughters and I headed to Minneapolis for a quick tour of the Walker Art Center and Minneapolis Sculpture Garden.

The image of the Spoonbridge and Cherry by Claes Oldenburg has become an unofficial symbol for Minneapolis since it’s installation in 1988.

Most of the Walker Center was closed for reconstruction, leaving just a few special exhibits open.

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis Sculpture Garden

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis Sculpture Garden

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis Sculpture Garden

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis Sculpture Garden

Even, their construction signs are creative!

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis Sculpture Garden

It was a fabulous day to browse the sculptures outside.

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis Sculpture Garden

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis Sculpture Garden

Not surprisingly, my favorite place was the gorgeous flower garden…

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis Sculpture Garden

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis Sculpture Garden

It was overflowing with color and comfortable benches!

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis Sculpture Garden

The next time you travel to Minneapolis, why not try an afternoon at the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden.  If you like Modern Art, try the Walker Art Center--just make sure it’s open for business!

For more on Minnesota’s outdoor sculptures you might like:  Franconia Art Park



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