The Wagon Wheel-A Free Motion Quilt Tutorial

November 10, 2015
Wagon Wheel, FMQ, Kennedy

Wagon Wheel, FMQ, Kennedy

Good Morning, Quilters!

It’s Tuesday and time for another Free Motion Quilt and Long Arm Quilt tutorial.  All of the designs found HERE  work equally well on a domestic sewing machine, like my BERNINA 770QE, and on any long arm or mid arm quilt machine!

Today’s motif, The Wagon Wheel, can be used to fill any shape or it can be used as a background fill.    It is a Modern motif, but I can easily imagine it on a Traditional Quilt as well.


Begin by drawing any size square–or any shape.  In the tutorial below, the square is 3-1/2 by 3-1/2 inch.  Use whatever size fits YOUR quilt!

Begin in one corner and stitch a spiral.

Wagon Wheel, FMQ, KennedyIn the center, double back on the spiral line and fill the space with a wavy line.Wagon Wheel, FMQ, Kennedy

Continue all the way around the spiral.

Wagon Wheel, FMQ, Kennedy

After filling in the center of the spiral, use the wavy line to reach the outer borders of your square or shape.
Wagon Wheel, FMQ, KennedyContinue all the way around…Wagon Wheel, FMQ, Kennedy

Fill the entire square and then knot off or stitch another Spiral and begin filling the new spiral.Wagon Wheel, FMQ, KennedyCareful,  this one is addictive!

Just like always…Doodle First!

Hope YOUR Day is a smooth ride!


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!



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  • Teri Coha

    WOW. That is a cool design! !

  • Phyllis

    Love this design and looks complicated but when it’s broken down in steps it looks like a manageable feat.

  • I love it! and it looks easy…
    One question: how do you join this quilted square to the next one? I mean, as it ends at the same place it starts, how do you travel on to the next square? I prefer not to knot, cut the thread and then start again, but rather travel on to the next space to quilt.

    • Support

      I would stitch a row of the wiggly lines over to the next square. See what you can come up with by doodling.

  • farmquilter

    Brilliant way to combine 2 easy quilting motifs to create a stunner!!! Thanks, Lori!!!

  • Shirley M

    Just love it!!!

  • Very interesting design. Great tutorial. Thank you.


  • GrannyC

    Love it!!!!!

  • Delaine

    I will work this wagon wheel into a Zentangle today. Thank you!!

  • Linda Fleming

    Beautiful design…the inner part reminded me of a nautilus too!
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  • Theresa A

    When I go to your site and see what you have to show us for the day, well the next stop is my sewing room!!! I keep telling myself,if she can,I know I can!!!

  • Vickie

    Just got a Sweet 16 – can’t wait to play with this one! Thanks Lori

  • Joni Keskey

    If you eliminate the outside squiggles, it looks like a cutaway of a nautilus.

  • Laurie Stewart

    I love this wagon wheel motif! Can’t wait to doodle it!

  • Love this site! You make machine quilting fun! Thank you

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