Good Morning, Quilters!
Today we are adding the last border motif to our quilt–the Tulip Border!
The tutorial for the Tulip Border can be found HERE.
Or on page 104 of Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3 available on Etsy HERE
Add Tulip Time to the two edge borders of your quilt.
If you were stitching this motif on a middle border, you could stitch in the ditch to connect each tulip.
I find it easiest to stitch this motif from left to right.
Now all the half square triangle and plain rows are complete!
Later this week we will do a re-cap with links to all the steps in this quilt…
Of course it’s not a quilt until the binding is added and it has a label!!
Happy Stitching!
PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only. Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt. For all other purposes, please contact me at Thanks!
Actually, it was the 6/28 email Happy Independence Day post that I couldn’t open. Support
That was a broken link replaced with the Fourth link
Did you ever do the recap and links to all the steps? I didn’t see that. Also I couldn’t get the link to open from your Happy Fourth of July email. Thanks.
I truly have enjoyed this Spring Sampler, Lori! I’ve just completed my quilting and as I step back to admire my work, I’m so pleased with each motif that we practiced. I’ve gained a lot of confidence. The one thing I am working on at this stage is control, control, control, and by participating in the Spring Sampler, I’ve had lots of opportunity! Thank you sew very much! Now, off to prepare my binding! Support
Thrilled to hear it!!!
Love this and it has inspired an entire flower garden border…tulips of all shapes, daisies, zinnias….
Such beautiful even stitches! How many stitches to the inch? Support
I dont use a stitch regulator–so Im really not sure!
As I look at this design, how it’s implemented and then stepping back to take a look, I realize why it’s so appealing! It’s clean and simple looks are so fresh and beautiful to me. Thanks Lori, I will try this on my mid arm machine. Support
So glad to hear it is appealing but also helpful to me to find out why you like it. Thank you!!
Rita Long
Love what you’ve been doing with this quilt.
lynn jarzombeck
Fantastic, just loving this and just bought your book. Thanks so much for all the fm help.
Terri Tresise
This is so cute! Thank you for all the designs you share. I need to get my sandwich samples out and practice. You inspire me!
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