The Shamrock (Geranium) Stencil Winners Are…

February 11, 2013
Bernina, Free motion quilting, shamrock, geranium, stencil
Shamrock Stencil

Geranium stencil, free motion quilting

I’d like to start out by thanking all of you who have pinned us on Pinterest!  We have many many new free motion quilters, doodlers, and quilt lovers who will be joining us thanks to your efforts—so KEEP PINNING!   Welcome to all of you who found us from Pinterest!

I’d also like to offer a big thank you to those who have left comments along the way and the quilters who entered the drawing for the fabulous Geranium Stencil  from The Stencil Company.  Your comments help me plan tutorials, posts etc. –so KEEP COMMENTING!

shamrock free motion quilting

As you may recall (read more here), I chose this Geranium stencil –reminiscent of a four leaf clover–and green fabric to make a new quilt for St. Patrick’s Day.

St. Patrick's Day, quilting

I think it will look great on my table when I serve our family favorite–Irish Soda Bread-complete with raisins and caraway...

Bernina, sewing, quilting,FMQ

I really like this stencil because it is so versatile.  The pretty leaf design will look like geraniums when stitched on pink/coral/rose fabric, but it doubles nicely as a four leaf clover when stitched onto green fabric.

Bernina, Free motion quilting, shamrock, geranium, stencil

The stencil also has many potential ways to use it…Read about ways to use this stencil here

Bernina, Free motion quilting, shamrock, geranium, stencil

The motif was sewn with only two stops which required a “knot-off”…in other words, it is nearly one continuous line...(we like that!)

Bernina, Free motion quilting, shamrock, geranium, stencil

After I took the first pass around, I echo quilted around each motif…

Bernina, Free motion quilting, shamrock, geranium, stencil

Bernina, Free motion quilting, shamrock, geranium, stencil

I decided not to stitch the center as a plain cross hatch—straight lines are difficult…

I have a tutorial coming in March on how to sew the cross-hatch below:

Bernina, Free motion quilting, shamrock, geranium, stencil

Now, without further ado…the two winners of The Geranium (Shamrock) stencil are:  Rhonda and  Judy @grandparentsplus2.  Congratulations!  Woo hoo!   Please contact me (see my About page for my e-mail address…and I will get those stencils to you!

Geranium stencil, free motion quilting

Don’t despair if you did not win this time… we will be offering several more stencils in the next few months…And…

I will be offering chances to win a Shamrock Doodle Quilt in March!

More tutorials, more giveaways, more fun…and more Quilt Appreciation 1o1 coming every day!



  • Love the details and the way your stitching makes those motifs pop. Can’t wait for the cross hatch tutorial. Thanks for sharing!

  • Great for St Patrick’s Day. Very nice work. Mtetar

  • Oh, good. 😀 I was going to ask how you did the center, if there’s a pathway to follow for continuous stitching. Is that what they call sashiko?

  • Congratulations to the two winners! This is a very pretty stencil design.

    I do have a question – how do you fit larger quilts on your machine to doodle quilt? Or do you only do small ones? That’s my biggest problem.

  • Just beautiful. Thanks for posting and keeping me inspired. 🙂


    Hi, Lori. The St. Monica Antique Show was this pat weekend and, sadly, I did not win the quilt – and it was one for the books. Beautiful!!! I sang your praises to the quilting ladies and told them all about your blog – while I have “worked” on the quilt in the past, it is mostly things like running out to get the quilters more diet coke or m&m’s or wiping their brow. I have a similar relationship with my knitting-never actually finishing much but totally enjoying the knitting conversation! Love, Laura

    • You don’t give yourself enough credit! I want to see a finished pair of baby booties before his first birthday! LOL!

    • You don’t give yourself enough credit! I want to see a finished pair of baby booties before his first birthday! LOL!

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