The Inbox Jaunt-Mail Maladies

November 16, 2014
Free Motion Quilting, Letters, Mail

Free Motion Quilting, Letters, MailDear Readers,

As many of you have noticed –The Inbox Jaunt has suffered a few “Mail Maladies” over the past few months.

Many of you no longer receive your daily email “fix” of The Inbox Jaunt.Free Motion Quilting, Letters, MailMore recently, many people have reported  The Inbox Jaunt’s emails arrive as “WordPress” and often go unrecognized and deleted!  ARGH!

I have made several attempts to work this out with WordPress and Bluehost without luck.  Some of this is because I have limited patience working on this problem.  I’d much rather be sewing…hence the little motifs today….LOL!

Free Motion Quilting, Letters, MailPlease be patient.  

I am looking into other e-mail subscription options.

In the meantime….

YOU know where to find us!

and don’t delete messages from WordPress!


Can anyone recommend someone to help me with my WordPress blogging issues?  (Including my “button” not working)

I’d trade for a vase quilt?….

Thank YOU,

Frustrated in Frosty Minnesota,




  • I received your emails – they’re from WordPress but the subject line is “new post the inbox jaunt” ! hope you get some help 🙂

  • Lori, my son in law administers my blog via a WordPress platform. I used to WP directly but it was so limiting in what I could/couldn’t do with it. I don’t know if you are interested in a response from someone in the business but if you are interested in his comments, help, he can be found at Tell him QuilterinMotion sent you over. Marsha

  • Karen Walter

    I get the Inbox Jaunt good and I get it through Gmail

  • Susan Gorkos

    It’s coming everyday to me as well. Once I figured out that wordpress was your blog, I just look for it every day and continue to love it. Thank you for all the work – the very clear instructions and the beautiful quilting. This is such an inspiration!

  • I’m not having any problems. To be honest, I didn’t even notice that WordPress was listed as the sender of your posts. It says “Inbox Jaunt” right in the subject line. (I’m using Apple’s Mail program on my MacBook Pro.)

  • I have to disagree with some above, I think it has to be Bluehost. I use WordPress, but I don’t use Bluehost. My email notices coming from WordPress still have my blog name as the from line, and the post title as the subject line. Even the email sent for my post today hasn’t changed. The only apparent difference between us is Bluehost.

  • Jeanette

    I love Bloglovin’ because I can see most of my sewing blogs there and it saves my email space. There is a sewing blogger that works for WordPress and wrote posts on how to switch from blogger to WordPress but I can’t remember who it is. Darn it! Good luck!

  • Marianne

    Dear Lori,

    I’m sad to learn about your trouble you’ve experienced with the Word Press mail-out. I did notice your messages started coming from Word Press, and I miss The Injaunt Box for the sender ID. However, as long as I get a post from you daily, I’m fine.

    Would it work if we sent a complaint to Word Press about this unwelcome change?

    Just keep your entries coming.


  • Karen

    I haven’t had any problems receiving your email with WordPress. I also use Bloglovin’ to read other blogs that I am following. I have their app on my IPad and love it.

  • It seems that WordPress have changed the configuration of the posts, giving priority to “wordpress” rather tahn the bloggers’ names. I’d write “THE INBOX JAUNT” in capital letters, or in bold, so that it is easier to be recognised by readers. Other than that, I haven’t seen any changes. i read your posts, and see the photos on Facebook too.

  • I also use WordPress hosted by Bluehost. I use feedburner for email subscriptions and other than adding the widget, I don’t have to do anything.

  • Here’s some info. which may help. I love your blog and look forward to it so I was surprised to see the different formatting/entry on Friday, Nov. 7th. I subscribe to several blogs which use the same one as you. Becky Goldsmith uses it and she is a whiz at all of the blogging things. As you can see I don’t know the computer verbiage. I hope you can resolve this issue soon. Good luck!

  • Karen Bennick

    No problems receiving your blog as WordPress with Inbox Jaunt as subject. Haven’t missed any, but I sure would if I didn’t receive one. I like the variety with the Silent Sunday, questions on Friday, Art on Saturday, etc.
    You have revolutionized my quilting. Thank you.

  • sillyandrea

    The email is sent as, which is just something the WordPress software does. Unfortunately, some email hosts block this. They do it to password reset emails as well. You cannot fix this on your end. Email places like Hotmail and Comcast and sometimes Yahoo block these messages as spam.

    That is why some people do not get the email updates. It;s their mail service blocking it.

    You can send out alternate email newsletters using a mailing list service like MailChimp or Awber as well. You still have to write the email with the blog post link manually, however.

    Also – you’re hosted on and they have a support forum for issues relating to their service, with an entire Happiness Engineer team. 😉

  • Jeannie

    I have always gotten it as Inbox Jaunt until this week. This week it is WordPress but with a subject line of Inbox Jaunt which is fine with me. Just keep it coming! To change providers may upset our ability to access some of your great resources.

  • Karen Cotter

    Lori, I agree the problem is not Bluehost, but rather something with the WordPress mail program. Several of my clients use iContact or ConstantContact, and they really like the ease of setting up, tutorials, reports available, support and reliability. Good Luck!

  • Margie

    Lori, I don’t have issues. A suggestion to those that find you in their junk mail. Just move it to your inbox and it won’t be considered junk. You can also make Lori a contact and your server should get it in the right place. Love your ideas. Have not tried a single one … Yet.soon. I hope to begin soon.

  • check with Bonnie Hunter…she has it down to a science and she is very generous with her information and loves sharing…I am sure she would help you.

  • Kerry

    The subject line “inbox jaunt” also stopped me from deleting the messages – haven’t missed a day!

  • Lori, I’ve just posted a picture (in your FLICKR button at the right) of my inbox showing messages from The Inbox Jaunt as I see them. You can see posts from you, and posts from my own blog WisconsinQuilting. Up until Nov 8, your posts as I see them on Mozilla Thunderbird show they were from The Inbox Jaunt and the subject was [new post]+title. After that date, yours came from “”
    My own messages came from WordPress if the software was alerting me that I had to moderate a posting. Mine have seemed to continue unchanged. Maybe this will help anyone who is trying to troubleshoot for you.

    • More clues: Now that I’ve posted a comment and asked for follow-ups, the notices of those “new comments” are coming from (all lower case). They used to come from “The Inbox Jaunt” My guess, then, is that there is a mail configuration in your WordPress settings that needs to be reset.

  • lindaj

    I get you daily on Facebook and am so happy with this!

  • Double darn. I thought only Google/Blogger had such problems. I’m actually in the process of jumping over to WordPress, but don’t yet have enough expertise to offer any help. I look forward to what you learn. And I agree, we’d all rather be quilting than researching and resolving blog issues. ERR.


  • Mary Helen in OR

    I haven’t missed any emails though I had to change the preference for adding a label to the email. You might check with Alysia Lichner (may be misspelled) at
    She has an awesome website and is a free lance web designer. Don’t know about her wordpress expertise.

    Dena Crain at also uses wordpress and I get her emails without a problem. Computer problems can be really frustrating and changing providers can be awful. Go quilt awhile or go for a walk. In five years no one will remember any of these problems.

  • Rochelle Marouski

    I have no problem reading your email, I too look for “Inbox Jaunt” in the Word Press emails. I look forward to seeing your emails.

  • Hang in there Lori! It is frustrating, emotional and scary to move “everything” I’m sure. Wish I could help in a technical way, bit it is not my strength. Hopefully you will look back on this situation in a few months and the move will have been worth it. Supportive hugs, Allison in Plano, TX USA

  • I haven’t missed an email either because I see the “Inbox Jaunt” in the subject space and immediately open it before any other emails. Thank you so much for your blogs. I know it takes a lot of effort to post every day and I appreciate it so much. 🙂

  • Phyllis

    Mine aso says wordpress but the subject always says InBox Jaunt. Doesn’t matter to me as long as I can get my daily fix!

  • My emails come from but do have a subject line of The Inbox Jaunt….. So that helps me.

  • I open the wordpress postings because my friend also uses wordpress. I am delighted to see your quilting blog.

  • Shirley McIntyre

    Mine comes thru as word press, but I know it’s you!!

  • Cheri Barker

    I agree with Sharon. We are also WordPress users for our travel blog and love it. One comment is please don’t go to Bloglovin’ really dislike that tool.

  • Have you tried another Host like Go Daddy ? You can still keep your name In Box Jaunt.. You might have to call them and I like their customer service..

    • A

      I’m not sure the problem is BlueHost so I don’t want to change just yet. Thanks for the info on Go Daddy.

  • rosemarazzle

    Rosemary B here:
    The email comes in as wordpress, but the subject line is InBox Jaunt.
    I am not sure why some are not getting your emails….
    I hope there is a super smart bloggie wizard getting your signal and preparing to come to your aid very soon.
    Meantime, no worries. Just keep sewing.
    I have to agree with you on that. I have no space in my brain file cabinet for this frustrating computery stuff.
    Happy day

  • Diane Porterfield

    I, too, am a blogger. I write an Internet News Letter for my community. So, I mail-out an email highlighting the particular posts I would like the community members to read by simply clicking on the link. I use Very happy with the support given and the ease of mail-outs. Good source for tracking responses, as well.
    Diane Porterfield
    501 620-3167

  • Sharon

    While the email does say WordPress, it also says In Box Jaunt so I do not understand why the confusion>>???

    • lois j harak

      Yes it clearly states it is Box Jaunt. I think I opened it several times before I realized it had a new heading. I don’t see any problem with it.

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