The Dog Walker

May 2, 2013

The Dog Whisperer, The Dog Walker

Last fall, I was out to lunch in Minneapolis and witnessed an amazing canine display.   A dog trainer, named Citizen Kane (I asked for his card.) sat on a bench quietly sipping coffee…

The Dog Whisperer, The Dog Walker

as the dogs he was walking and training sat quietly on the sidewalk (not sipping coffee).   Not a peep from any of them!  It was a busy pedestrian and car intersection, but nothing caused the dogs to move!

The Dog Whisperer, The Dog Walker

After he finished his drink, he set off again, with the entire pack strolling silently by his side.

The Dog Whisperer, The Dog Walker

As you know, I have two adorable Australian shepherds, Ruby and Roxie (Read more about them HERE and HERE).

Ruby and Roxie, Australian Shepherds

They are great dogs…

The Dog Whisperer, The Dog Walker

but nothing like this!

(PS…I tried signing my dogs up for training with Citizen Kane, but he never returned my e-mail…I bet there’s a long waiting list!)


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