The Butterfly-A FREE Machine Quilting Tutorial

July 12, 2016
Butterfly Machine Quilting Tutorial

Butterfly Machine Quilting TutorialGood Morning, Quilters!

Thank you all for helping me welcome Louis into the world!  I can’t wait to smell that baby smell and kiss those baby toes!

Today–by popular request–we have The Butterfly Machine Quilting Tutorial.

(A note about requests-I try to create tutorials that YOU ask for…sometimes the design pops right onto my sketchbook, for other designs, it takes a long time to get it right.  I’m currently working on a Train…but it’s not ready for prime time.  Please be patient.  If you have a request, let me know, I will try!)

Butterfly Machine Quilting Tutorial

I have two banners today–couldn’t decide which one I like better–what do YOU think?  Please use one of these photos to pin to Pinterest–it really helps get the word out!


Begin by drawing a square.  Begin stitching a skinny oval in the center of the square.Butterfly Machine Quilting TutorialStitch two curly antennae–Butterfly Machine Quilting TutorialOn the left side, stitch a large petal shaped wing.  Before reaching the oval, stitch a counter clockwise loop.Butterfly Machine Quilting TutorialStitch a smaller lower wing, stitching near the side of the oval.Butterfly Machine Quilting TutorialStitch under the oval, closely echo stitching to the top of the oval on the right side.Butterfly Machine Quilting TutorialStitch a large right wing.Butterfly Machine Quilting TutorialStitch a loop and a smaller, lower wing.

Add a loop-de-loop to travel to the next Butterfly in the row.

Butterfly Machine Quilting Tutorial

This would be adorable on any little girl’s quilt,  or add a single Butterfly in with a group of flowers.  The Butterfly is like a basic recipe–change the proportions and shapes to create YOUR own version!

Doodle first!


Have you heard that today is Prime Day on Amazon?  It’s the biggest single day of special sales online at Amazon.  You have to be a Prime member–but you can sign up for free for 30 days and cancel if you don’t like the service.  Check it out today–there will be all kinds of specials offered all day long. Click on my affiliate link or on the photo belowto receive the best deals!

Who’d doesn’t love a good sale?


I will be away from my desk and my sewing machine for a few weeks so we’ll be mixing it up a bit.  Hold onto your pin cushions–there’s plenty of projects ahead!

“The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.”

Happy Stitching!


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!





  • Susan

    I would like add to your list of future tutorials some musical motifs.

  • rascassepoule

    irresistible ! thanks, Lori for this pretty butterfly

  • Chrissy Carlisle-Kitz

    Love your butterfly …. Been trying to doodle one for as long as I can remember …THANK YOU ?

  • HollyAnnW

    Ellen: Lori did a dragonfly tutorial Sept. 24, 2014 … super realistic. Just put the word “dragonfly” in her search box, press enter (or GO) and it should pop right over there for you.

  • Marta

    Didn’t realize I had been waiting for a butterfly until I saw this one… Exquisite and perfect to finish a UFO for my aunt’s birthday in Sept. By the way, be careful when
    you open your suitcase in St Louis. There may be 100+ stowaway quilters getting in line to wait for a baby hug! Safe travels…

  • Ellen

    I love the butterfly–I’m working on the FMQ for a quilt for my daughter, so I just might throw a few on it!! I would love it if you would do a dragonfly.
    Lori, I have read your blog on and off for a couple of years, and am currently reading it all from the beginning. Thanks for all the inspiration and humor. You have a wonderful way of breaking down the steps of a motif into understandable chunks, which has helped me immensely!

  • lavonne

    love it – I can do this working on a table runner for Spring for my sister-in-law- perfect for it. beautiful grand child – they are the joy of my life and I am sure yours too.

  • I sooooo love the butterfly. Will use it on my next quilt. Thank you.

  • Pam Hotle

    That is one sweet little butterfly! FYI I pinned the longer banner with the single row. Welcome to your little Louis. He is so cute!

  • Anne Marsaw

    I love e you’d dedigns. You are just the best!

  • Cathy W.

    Thank you for the butterfly line. Enjoy that beautiful new grand-baby.

  • Excellent. I love this butterfly. Thank you Lori

  • Cleta

    Love it Lori. Thanks

  • kaholly

    Lori, this one is adorable! Thanks so much. Can’t wait to give it a go!

  • Kathie Banks

    You Rock!!! This butterfly is adorable!!! Thank you so much!

  • Have a wonderful time with your new grandson. And thanks for the butterfly.

  • Absolutely love the butterfly!! : ). I am so glad you did this. I can’t wait to practice and utilize it on a quilt. Every day I can’t wait to open your blog and see what you have sent out. Seems like a creative spark is sent out every day to us.

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