The Bicycle-A Machine Quilting Tutorial

April 11, 2017
Machine Quilting, Lori Kennedy

Good Morning, Quilters!

Spring is in the air–and it’s time to pump up those bike tires!

When you’re back from your cruise, add a two wheeler to your next quilt!

This adorable motif stands alone…you don’t need stitch rows of bicycles–though you can if you want.

Just tuck a quilted Bicycle into your other quilting for a little Springtime surprise–

It will add a little fun and personality to your next quilt!


Begin by drawing two parallel lines.  Add a large counter clockwise Silly Spiral (tutorial HERE)  to fill the space between the drawn lines.

Complete the large Silly Spiral on the right side.

Stitch over several stitches, then add another Silly Spiral–with just two revolutions.

End on the right side.

Add a third large Silly Spiral ending on the left side of the Spiral.
Add an line angled up and to the right.  Then add two handlebar loops.

If you would like, add a basket on the front of the bike at this time.

Closely echo stitch the front line.

Add another straight line, angled back and to the left, ending above the back tire. Add an oval shaped spiral to create a seat.

End the spiral on the lower part of the “seat”.  Then stitch down into the center of the first spiral.

I hope this does not seem difficult…

It’s really just three spirals, and a few simple lines.

So take it for ride…and of course,

Doodle First!

What about YOU?

Do YOU still ride a bike?

Does a bike represent Spring and Freedom to YOU?

What other symbols make YOU smile?

We’d LOVE to hear!


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!

PS…This tutorial was stitched with Aurifil cotton 50 wt in the bobbin and Sulky 40wt Rayon on top on my lovely BERNINA 770QE.


For more than Sixty  step-by-step tutorials including an entire chapter of Flower Motifs-–Check out my new book:

Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3

You can receive Personalized, autographed copies from my Etsy shop:  The Inbox Jaunt Shop HERE

or from Amazon HERE (available in Print and Kindle!)

Machine Quilting 1-2-3, Lori Kennedy

PS…Check out my Craftsy videos–50% OFF—Limited Time Only–Offer Expires April 15, 2017

(Click photo to link to special class prices–discount applied at checkout)

Doodle to Design, Craftsy, Lori Kennedy

Craftsy Title Card






  • Lorraine Doyno Evans

    Yes, I’ve been wondering about bicycling motifs! Hubby and I belong to a cycling group. We typically ride about 20-25 miles each ride with our club or on our own. We’ve done a few FANY rides (Five Hundred miles Across New York) which are week long riding jaunts. Love my bike!

    • Support

      That really sounds fun! Im going to do more biking this year!

  • Grandma Karen

    Looks like lots of folks as well as myself enjoy this motif. It was worth the challenge. I look forward to using it. As always, I love everything you do and your generosity in sharing so much.
    Happy Easter. I’m sure you will make your grandchildren happy. We are having a rock hunt (with words of faith written and sealed with clear coat). I only have one grand in high school, rest in college or out so I hope they enjoy the hunt. I try to bring the reason for the season somehow in all our holidays.

    • Marta

      Amen, Grandma Karen and blessings from another Grammy

  • Love this cute bicycle! Thank you Lori!

  • this is so right for me. I love cycling and go out almost every day even in our British winter. Although I am 66 years old , 1 still cycle camp and we are getting packed ready to go off this weekend. we will average about 50 miles a day. I have both your Crafsty classes and so will use this with the addition of a small trailer as that is what I tow my camping gear in. Thank you Lori

    • Support

      You are a true biker!! Have fun on your trip-and quilting this new motif!

  • Becky Shaffer

    Love the bike! I can’t wait to find a place to work it in! Thanks, Lori!

  • barbara conklin

    I need to express my absolute delight with your quilt patterns. Especially the transportation ones for some reason. They seem to work on baby quilts!!!!!.
    The bycicle is another winner.

    • Support

      Wow! Thank you! So pleased you like the motifs!

  • Barb Czarniecki

    I love the bicycle- it’s almost time to get mine out of the garage! Thank you for all your inspiration!

  • Marta

    This is great ! Our son began to race bicycles when he was age 14 and even tho he is age 47 now, he rides for health and enjoyment on mountains of Nevada where he lives. His fiancee rides too. He worked in bicycle stores during college and after… FL, Colorado and Moab, Utah. I have been collecting fabrics for a quilt for him and a quilt for his fiancee. This FMQ motif will be just fine !! I will
    put some flowers on hers ! 🙂 Another hit, Lori ! Now if I can figure out how to FMQ sprockets on his requested hexagons…..

  • That is so darn cute, I want to hop right on it and ride. On second thought, at 85, that is not sensible, so think I will try it on fabric.

  • Phyllis

    Love this design. Have already doodled it since it’s going on the quilt that’s in progress.

    • Support

      Cant wait to see it!

  • Aileen

    LOL The art challenge this month is bicycle or wheels. I tried doodling this. Ugliest bike you have ever seen. I better keep practicing the doodle….Thanks for the Tutorial

    • Support

      Youll ger it!! It does take some doodling!

  • Lori I just love your bike! I try to walk or ride my bike everyday even after downhill skiing. I am looking so forward to trying this one out. I do so much love all your motifs and looking forward to your Blog everyday. Thanks!

    • Support

      Im so glad!! Thank you!!

  • Maureen B. in B.C.

    The bicycle is amazing and such fun to create, and OH those bunnies on your header are just adorable!
    I haven’t ridden a bicycle in years. Not since the chain on a friend’s bike I was riding let go ….. on a downhill run. I wasn’t hurt, and it didn’t really shake my confidence. I just haven’t had another opportunity to ride one since.

    • Support

      That sounds traumatizing!! But I guess you have to get right back up and ride!

      • Maureen B. in B.C.

        Actually, I had to get right back up and walk the bike home … No chain ????

  • Wow, I am amazed that you could design a fmq method for a bike!

    • Support

      It took me years–then all of a sudden it came to me!

  • This is very cute! I love riding my bike, this made me smile. Thank you!

  • Susan

    This bicycle is really cute. Thanks. I haven’t ridden a bike in years except for stationary ones. The crocuses, daffodils and other early Spring flowers cheer me.

  • Barbara Hughes

    I am so happy you came out with a book and I hope you will soon come out with another one on all the different designs you have shown us since then. I enjoyed both of your Craftsy classes that I can watch over and over if need be. Thank you!

    • Support

      Im writing it right now!!

  • Jacomina de Regt

    Wonderfully appropriate as I have just set a goal for myself to train on the bike in the gym so I can participate in a family bike ride on May 20. Even if I can’t do the whole ride of 40 miles, I want to be more than the older generation who helps out with ferrying people and bikes. Thanks I might make small conmemorative quilted coasters or something for all the family members.

  • Bicycles are my passion. I buy bicycle fabric, garden ornaments, etc. I have tried to doodle a free motion design but, I couldn’t figure it out! I do ride my bicycle, mostly in Florida where we winter, and i quilt a lot! Looking forward to playing with this and filling my baskets with flowers! I might try stitching it on cardstock for Christmas cards. Hmmm the wheels of imagination are spinning.

    • Support

      It took me a long time to figure this one out! I hope you can put it to good use!

  • Chip Styles

    Just love your designs… so creative…. thanks for sharing with us all

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