The Baby Carriage-A Free Motion Quilt Tutorial

January 17, 2017
Machine Quilting, Tutorial, Baby Carriage

Machine Quilting, Tutorial, Baby Carriage

Good Morning, Quilters-Mothers, Grandmothers, Aunties, God Mothers, and Babysitters!

Any new babies coming in 2017?

If so-the Baby Carriage machine quilt motif is perfect for you!  Stitch a row of carriages to fill a border or add a single carriage in a block.


Begin by drawing four evenly spaced parallel lines to fit your border.  In the sample below, the lines are one inch apart.

Begin stitching on the second line from the top.  Stitch a bowl shape.  Stop stitching –with the needle in the down position.

Stitch along the line to create a semi-circle.

Stitch a curved line to the top line, then stitch straight down.

Stitch three or four scallops along the vertical line–then begin echo stitching the “hood” of the carriage.

Echo stitch the left side of the carriage then curl around to begin the wheel.

Spiral in (clockwise) and spiral out (counter-clockwise)-then take a few stitches under the carriage.

(NOTE–If your Spirals aren’t perfect–don’t worry–messy spirals look great too!)

Stitch the front wheel–Spiral counter-clockwise in to the center, then clockwise out–again don’t worry about perfect spirals!

Echo stitch the front of the Baby Carriage then add a spiral handle.

Over stitch the handle–and echo stitch the centerline of the Baby Carriage, or….

Overstitch the handle to begin the next Baby Carriage in the row…

Machine Quilting, Tutorial, Baby Carriage

It’s the Perfect Perambulator!

Shhh–Baby’s sleeping–you know what that means–

It’s time to quilt!!!


PS…Check out my Craftsy videos–50% OFF—Limited Time Only–Offer Expires April 15, 2017

(Click photo to link to special class prices–discount applied at checkout)

Doodle to Design, Craftsy, Lori Kennedy

Craftsy Title Card


PPS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to reblog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!



  • Marta

    Pam Hotle….. Glad you and your sisters made it ..what a blessing for your parents. Thanks for sharing.

  • Terri

    This is adorable. So glad your motifs translate well to my longarm. Thanks so much.

  • sunny chandonais

    I love it! I just downloaded a pattern from Missouri Star and got a great deal on Kewpie Doll precuts – a baby quilt is going to our young neighbors, and this will be perfect to quilt it!!!! You amaze me, Lori!

    • Marta

      sunny… I had to slap my hand to keep from ordering those cute, but with guest room full of fabric, need to draw line someplace LOLOL..

  • JaniceCarole

    I immediately saw it as a pedestal bowl full of flowers. Leave off the top section, adding flowers going up and vines falling down. I am headed to my drawing board right now to try it. I love this site! 🙂

    • Hmmm…no kids or grandkids here and nieces and nephews still in school so no baby quilts on the radar…I’m thinking WINE GLASS – 5:00 somewhere! Cheers!!

      • Marta

        Its 5 PM at my friend Candy’s house….Think of her ! Cheers!

    • Support

      Love tour thinking!!! Send photos

  • Ingrid Slatta

    Adorable and your instructions are so clear I’m in the process of making dolly quilts for my GD and this will be fun to practice. Thank you.

  • Nancy

    Very cute…and clever! Thanks for sharing as much as you do…

  • This could not have come at a better time. Just finished two quilt tops for twin babies currently in the NICU. Thanks Lori! Love your Craftsy Classes too!

    • Support

      Ive been interested in creating some preemie quilts. Are these babies you know-or a donation to the hospital

  • Marta

    First great granddaughter due in Feb.. So excited ! Fun to see our daughter get excited over becoming a grandmom. Just finished a quilted changing pad for the new one. Nice to include in diaper bag or for home. Would love to do few more with FMQ designs.

    • Support

      How lovely for you! How many children and grandchildren do you have Marta?

      • Pam Hotle

        Marta, we have a clotting disorder in my family also. Ours is Factor 5 Leiden (FVL) My mom miscarried as well as my 4 sisters and me.
        Lori, this is such a cute design! My nephew and his wife have twins due in May after 10 years of IVF. This might come in handy. I really like the idea of using it on a doll quilt too.

      • Marta

        We have 3 live ones (LOL) one son and two daughters…but lost 4 in miscarriages, There are 3 grandsons and 3 granddaughters. There were some lost in that generation to miscarriage and one lived 11 days in NICU. Finally a doctor at Univ TN Dxed a genetic problem..clotting disorder. Treatment ensued and #3 grandson is now 8. We are all so thankful for each and every baby – new human being- our family is blessed by. Praying for babies is permanently on our prayer list.

  • Thank you! I love this and am going to try and make one for my quilt notebook.

  • Bette

    Maybe if I start practicing this it will increase my chances of getting a grandchild sooner rather than later! Sigh.

  • Too Cute!

  • Becky Shaffer

    Thank you, Lori! I love it! You are so talented! I can’t wait to use it in a quilt for my new great-granddaughter! Baby quilts are so much fun to make.

    • Support

      You inspired this motif. Another baby motif next week!

  • jane d

    Oh my goodness Lori – that is the cutest!!!

  • Aileen Kline

    Lori, That is so cute. Thanks for the great tutorial

  • Dianna

    You are amazing! Never would have thought about this, will be great for the baby quilts for church. I will practice this one soon. Thanks

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