The Ambitious Ant-A Free Motion Quilt Tutorial

September 25, 2014
Free motion quilted ant

Free motion quilted antCRAWLEY-BUGS

We’ve been embellishing our flower gardens with flying fauna–The Bumble Bee and The Dragonfly--all created from the Humble Circle…

Today, we are going to add a few creepy-crawley bugs for our garden…The Ambitious Ant and the Curious Caterpillar.


Begin by stitching a large, counter-clockwise circle, followed by a smaller clockwise circle.

Free motion quilted ant

Stitch over the top of the second circle, and stitch another, smaller circle.

Free motion quilted ant

Add two small antenna…

Free motion quilted antStitch ON your previous line of stitching to get back to the lower half of the center circle…

Then add six “L” shaped legs.  (five legs are okay, too.)

NOTE-In the sample below, the ant is upright.  To make the ant walking straight, simple align the first two circles horizontally and add the head slightly above.

Free motion quilted antTHE CURIOUS CATERPILLAR

Easy–just a series of clockwise and counter-clockwise circles with a set of antenna!

Free motion quilted ant

Just add the garden fauna in between any floral motif for a little character and a little  free motion quilted “Eye Spy”.

Try The Happy Blossom or The Dizzy Daisy or The Spiral Flower

Now we’re really getting CREATIVE and PERSONALIZING OUR QUILTS!

Fun, Fabulous and Fearless Free Motion Quilting!

Lori Kennedy (nee Crawley–no kidding)

PS…All information, images and tutorials are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only. PLEASE SHARE, PIN, and RE-Blog–The more the merrier–with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!



  • Pat Harkins

    I love all your wonderful designs but as a retired science teacher I just have to share all the legs on real ants are attached to the middle section.

  • Dottie B

    like this. I’m just beginning so wish me luck.

  • Marianne

    Your ideas, your write-ups, and your demonstration photos are amazing! Thank you so much for sharing with us and for birightening our day.

  • I have loved the recent “bug infestation.” I just wished it had come about a month earlier. I just finished a quilt with an applique caterpillar. Would have loved to have quilted some of these “bugs” into the quilting. 🙂 Oh well. Now I’m ready for next time!

  • lavonne

    your latest bug kick is great – thinking of a grandkids quilt with creepy crawlers all over it – kind of hidden in the fabric patterns like bugs are in the yard.

  • farmquilter

    All these bug designs will be quilted into my next kid quilts!!! Love them – thank you!!!

  • rosemarazzle

    Rosemary B here:
    I love all of the creative crawly and flying critters, Lori.
    You need to write a big fat book so I can take it to all of the doctor appointments I accompany mom and dad to. Oh, that just reminded me, I will bring my sketch paper to dad’s three hour retina appointment tomorrow.
    All of your designs are so inspiring and wonderful.
    I have a couple of large blocks I am making for door hangings. Some have solid fabric in the center, others patterned. These motifs will work splendid, so I better get practicing.
    As always, your creativity and sharing is greatly admired and so appreciated.
    Love always

  • Made me smile as soon as I opened your page 🙂 I don’t know how you do these tiny intricate designs… but I’m inspired to get to my machine and practice at least the free-motion larger designs (I’m just a beginner, but looking forward to learning!) Thanks for all the fantastic tutorials and the step-by-step pictures… they are so helpful!

  • Those are so cute…….really gave me the ‘giggles’ when I scrolled down to them!!! Your creative stitchings are amazing!! Proving that if one can dream it and draw it, it can be stitched!!!!!! Thanks so much for sharing all your talents……………………

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