Testing, Testing…1,2,3

July 9, 2015
The Dizzy Daisy, Free Motion Quilting

Dizzy Daisy Free motion quiltingGood Morning, Quilters!

Did you ever get one of those emails that say you need to update your bank records–please enter your Social Security number, date of birth, address, etc?…

Right to the Spam file…

Well when The Inbox Jaunt renewal came, something about it made me suspicious, so I ignored it.  Guess they weren’t kidding when they said my blog wouldn’t work if I didn’t enter my credit card number!

So this e-mail is a test?  Are we up and running?  Please leave a comment as a check...

Also, as a result of the snafu, some of you have signed up for the OLD INBOX JAUNT…which I never update or check comments.

In any case, I’m back from my adventures and have lots to share!


PS….The Dizzy Daisy Free Motion Quilt tutorial can be found HERE




  • chris mason

    got it

  • auntiepatch69

    I’m here…….

  • Wendy M

    Yup, up and running! Thanks for checking we are all still getting your wonderful tutorials. :-):-)

  • Aren’t they a pain in the butt, I wish these people would put their obvious cleverness to a better use. Makes me so cross but I daresay there are a lot of folk out there who would succumb to some of these messages. Your email arrived perfectly well, so in the delete box your spam mail goes. Pity we can’t delete the person who sent it in the first place.

  • Interesting… when I went directly to the WordPress site, your entry was here and I could read it — when I tried to access it through the e-mail that I receive, it wouldn’t appear. Oh well!! Good to read anyway!

  • Clare

    Web site up and working. Keep up the good work!

  • mlmasters2014

    Got it. Glad you’re not a scam.

  • Holly Ann W.

    Got it. Thanks for all you do to keep us satisfied. 😉

  • Monique cazenave

    I received your post. Thank you. Each post is a new inspiration for me. You’re very creative and talented.

  • Lenora Whatley

    Welcome back

    • Janet Robertson-Driscoll

      Received both e-mails. Thanks. Anxious to see and hear of your adventure.

  • Joyce Christianson

    I got this morning’s doodles and this message. Thanks Lori. Hope you enjoyed CO – I live just south of Denver.

  • Margie

    I guess I am among the receiving. More on Craftsy please

  • Judy Buzby

    Got it….

  • Lea Langston

    Yes, ma’am—got it!

  • Donna

    I received it. Thank you

  • Lynne Scott

    Just to let you know … anxious to hear what you have to share with us. Thanks.

  • Lyndalee

    I got it.

  • Lynda

    Love you quilting. Keep sending!

  • Dr. Cathey Smith

    All good from my end!

  • Gwen Roof

    Got it. Thanks.

  • Amy M

    Glad to see you are back

  • Gail M.


  • Karen Poling

    Got it!

  • Had a problem getting to you earlier but was able to get both posts this afternoon.

  • I can see you! Welcome back from you little jaunt x

  • Donna W

    As you can see, I received your email.

  • Emma Strangio

    Glad to have you back. Sounds like you got on someone’s list and not in a good way. Since your not going to fall for it, hope they leave you alone. Thank you for your wonderful site. One of my favorite features is the “Silent Sunday”. Love the serenity of so many of the pictures. Just have to pause and enjoy.

  • Karen Bennick

    The Inbox Jaunt is part of my daily routine, So happy to be on the list. Emails come in almost daily from some deal in Nigeria, ads sent with names of people who are in my contacts and other stuff I just delete. My son says the government spies on email and Facebook users, I gasp and say, “Oh no, they will find out I am a quilter!”

  • Nancy Price

    got it.

  • Gotcha! Don’t you hate when that happens? If I’m on my laptop when I check my spam folder, I can mouse over the sender’s name and a pop-up will show the sender’s address. That way I can tell if it’s spam or from a legitimate sender. Another clue to junk mail is misspellings or bad grammar.

  • Rose Landon

    Got it!!

  • Margaret Cottie dobson


  • Got it!

  • Alice G

    Got it, thanks.

  • barbara


  • Kathy G.

    received it!

  • Florence


  • Gilli

    Yep, joyously received!

  • Carole D

    Okay here!

  • Martha Atha


  • Lyndalee Korn


  • Joy Vierra

    Works for me. Glad you are up and running.

  • Joy Vierra

    Received clad you are up and running.

  • Marianne Boddaert


  • Cathy h


  • Anita


  • MS Barb

    yes, you came through!

  • jackinka331

    I’m so glad you’re back, as I’m sure all your followers are. You’re an amazing, good woman who gives a lot to us.
    I can’t wait to hear of your adventure. it makes me think of How Bilbo Baggins friends must have felt when he returned home. Anyway, I’m eager to hear whatever you’re going to share and to take your Craftsy class.
    I missed you!

  • Gloria DeBower

    Looks fine to me.

Comments are closed.