Testing, Testing…1,2,3

July 9, 2015
The Dizzy Daisy, Free Motion Quilting

Dizzy Daisy Free motion quiltingGood Morning, Quilters!

Did you ever get one of those emails that say you need to update your bank records–please enter your Social Security number, date of birth, address, etc?…

Right to the Spam file…

Well when The Inbox Jaunt renewal came, something about it made me suspicious, so I ignored it.  Guess they weren’t kidding when they said my blog wouldn’t work if I didn’t enter my credit card number!

So this e-mail is a test?  Are we up and running?  Please leave a comment as a check...

Also, as a result of the snafu, some of you have signed up for the OLD INBOX JAUNT…which I never update or check comments.

In any case, I’m back from my adventures and have lots to share!


PS….The Dizzy Daisy Free Motion Quilt tutorial can be found HERE




  • Mariah

    I’m here too!!

  • Marta

    This is basically from 2015 except the last two entries… what is meant by “renewal” of Inbox Jaunt? I have been a subscriber for more than 3 years approx. and never received a renewal notice. Just curious…

  • Deborah Buckley

    Getting the mail. Going to try this , this week

  • Michael Armstrong

    Very much enjoy ….

  • Linda McCormick

    Still receiving all your great blogs!

  • Peggy

    Working in Oregon as well……

  • Maria

    Getting them just fine. I do enjoy your posts. Keep them coming!!

  • Ann Jackson

    Your designs are always stunning. I have a long arm, but surely don’t get to play often enough. I love, love, love your detailed instructions. Our Quilt Guild mentioned your website at a meeting. I immediately came home and starting oohing and OMG!!!! at your designs. Makes me want to try really hard to learn more. Thanks so very much for sharing your amazing designs.

  • hi I see you loud & clear. Don’t you just LUV technology LOL

  • Quilter4Charity

    Huntsville TX here.

  • Dianne

    Coming through just fine here in Toronto ,Ontario and this summer the home of the PanAm Games. I think a sport quilt of maybe sport logos used for the games will be in the works. Then to do the quilting

    • Marta. south Georgia

      Oh, Dianne, your post brings back memories..I was privileged to go to Toronto with my husband way back in 1999…For a week I explored the city. A highlight was my visit to a fabric store close to that big thimble statue. I only bought a scarf due to limitations of flying home. Always want to go back. Beautiful city and far from my rural home in south GA. I was not quilting yet and thus I don’t know what I missed Love to see your sport quilt when it is done..I can “see” all the FM logos/emblems !

  • Getting through!

  • You are up and running here!

  • Wonderful posts, thank you for each one….

  • You are in my week and look forward to reading and looking at your beautiful creations. thanks Lorie ! works just great….happy for your developments and expansion into new ventures. I have been using Craftsy for classes for years.

  • Laura

    BC Canada is just fine! And much cooler!!!

  • New Here, just starting my learning experience. Printed most of your tutorials, will start with the doodles. Thought you’d want to know, 2 of your tutorial links don’t work. I could not access the Sand Dollar tutorial or the At the Beach Tutorial.

    You mentioned starting to work on a Book. How’s it coming? I would LOVE to purchase that book. Your directions are so clearly written I understood all that I read and can’t wait to start.

    • A

      I will fix the links later this week. Thanks for letting me know. The Book has been on hold due to The Video. But it is still in n the works

  • Paula K.

    Enjoying your blog . Sincerely, Paula K.

  • janbevan

    I have received it here in the UK

  • Cathy Hayes

    I appreciate your ideas and your enjoyable to read blog!

  • Lorraine Doyno Evans

    I’m here!

  • I’m in Florida and am receiving just fine.

  • karen blaylock

    Getting them just fine. I do enjoy your posts. Keep them coming!!

  • Linda Baustian

    Good catch – thanks for the warning. Enjoy your posts.

  • Lou Hatcher

    I am getting them just fine. Love it!!!

  • Barb E

    I live in Ontario and I got you here. Couldn’t make it through a week without reading your blog.

  • Becki

    Got it.

  • Got it. Thanks.

  • Lynne Stucke

    With all these comments, you probably don’t need mine, but I got the email perfectly! Thank you SO much for your blog — can’t wait to read it every day!

  • rascassepoule

    no problem for me

  • Hi As u can see, it is working

  • Thank you

  • carol

    Got it fine!

  • Well you have to laugh… Yesterday I tried to click and it was like the link was broken and I just figured it was like my web sites from time to time when there is an error.. Well you are back today and that is all that matters. I sure enjoy your posts. Thank you much for your ideas..

  • Oops! I got the email, so it seems all is well!

  • Hi there, enjoy your blog

  • Michele Jean Rousseau

    Received loud and clear!

  • C Wilson

    You’re up and running. Sure would hate to miss you for to long.

  • I think we got it!

  • Ok here in Australia, too. It would be simply awful if I had to miss out on your daily communiques. They have become a special part of each day.

  • Got your email.

  • Wendy


  • It all works on my hp at work, but not on my phone….

  • English quilter

    I received the test and your later email about doodling

  • Got it!

  • Got it!!

  • Got it!

  • Carla

    up and running indeed

  • Liz T

    I got it!

Comments are closed.