Temptations, Priorities, Projects and a WINNER!

May 9, 2014
List of UFOs


When it comes to buying fabric and starting projects, it seems our

 “Our eyes are bigger than our clocks.”  —lck

  I just found this perfect fabric…

THEN I looked at my list of Unfinished Quilts…

Not sure this fabric works on any of these…

Not to worry…It will be great as the backing fabric for my next twenty tutorials!   Not my wisest purchase, but I still love this fabric…

Quilt Priorities


I also found this perfect pad of paper…(I need pads of paper about as much as I need fabric…)

But, it’s little reminder was useful…

"You can do anything, but not everything." SET PRIORITIES

So now I have my priorities straight…Just one quilt:

 Claire and Andy’s (AFTER) wedding quilt!

Quilt Priorities


Thank you to all who participated in Mary Huey’s Unfinished Quilt Assault Tactics course giveaway.

The Winner is: CJ. Please contact Mary.




YOU can still be a winner, too!

  • Follow the plan..
  • Write down all your UFOs
  • Pick three (or less) quilts  on which to focus
  • Read more HERE


Sign up for Mary’s course HERE.


Laser Beam (as in.. focused like a..) Lori

PS.. All images, tutorials and information is the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and is intended for personal use only.  Feel free to Pin, Re-blog, Tweet, Snail Mail with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com.  Thank you!



  • You’re funny, Lori — love that little note pad!

  • CJ Reed

    YEAH ! I am the winner ! Thanks Lori for sending me on the wonderful adventure. I was so excited this year to work on many of my projects. Your 3 quilt method has helped me stop seeing the forest and start working on the trees (oh, I mean quits). Thanks again, CJ

  • Vera Thompson

    I see a fabric I fall in love with, I have to get it. I have spent a couple of hours this morning looking for a fabric I saw on Facebook. All the information was given, but I think it is an older fabric because it never came up. I haven’t given up yet:).

  • I really, really love the quote !

  • rosemarazzle

    Rosemary b here:
    Hi My name is Rosemary and I am addicted to fabric.
    There is no cure, so just enjoy the ride.
    And what else — oh yeah, you only get one life.
    See how easy that is?
    I love this. Now I will get some for me.
    have Friday!

    • Susan Jones

      Love your thoughts on fabric addiction. Especially the “you only get one life”. Love it, works for me. : )

  • Barbara

    Lori, what is this fabric? Love it.

  • I just did the same thing! Somewhere in a blog someone showed this totally adorable fabric. There was no way I was going to ignore it. I bought a yard of each of the colorway’s main theme. Right now it is just hanging in my quilt room so I can oooh and ahhh over how darn sweet it is! The fabric is weewander by sarajane for michael miller.
    Just a few weeks ago I came across your Quilt Notebook. I’ve read a little about it here and there in your recent posts. It is definitely the Quilt Doctor ordered! This summer I am going to go through the whole series. Thank you for putting this together!

  • That fabric would make an adorable sheath dress for summer.

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