Sunflower Quilt Show-Vote for YOUR Favorite!

December 19, 2016

Good Morning, Quilters!

Welcome, welcome!

The doors are open to our Sunflowers in December Quilt Show!  The quilts are all free motion quilting samplers from our recent online FREE machine quilt-a-long HERE

One of the best things about a quilt show like this is seeing the individuality of each quilt–even when we all started with the same basic concept and composition.  The quilts are very beautiful and very creative!  Thank you to all who participated!


Today’s show is being judged by YOU-the viewers.  Please vote on your favorite.  The name of the artist is below the quilt and please include the number if there is one.  (Do try to evaluate each quilt based on the quilt itself and not the photography–quilt photography is very tricky!)

The winner (announced on Friday, December 23) will receive a box of sewing goodies–thread, fabric and notions from The Inbox Jaunt as well as bragging rights!  

Mary Ann McGlothlin    (baywindowquilter on Instagram)


Joan Liboiron


Free Motion Quilting
Jern Siew


Debbie Kanavel


Noreen Borys


Roberta Imhoff


Jeanette Funk
Jeanette Funk


Deborah Johnson-#1


Lynn Brazen


Carol Pitts


Denise Smart


Shelly Sutton


Christine Barnsley
Christine Barnsley-#1


Deborah Johnson
Deborah Johnson-#2


Pam Marbourg
Pam Marbourg


Kristin David


Peggy Beck
Peggy Beck


Barbara Stanbro
Barbara Stanbro-#1


Barbara Stanbro
Barbara Stanbro-#2


Colette Hawkins
Colette Hawkins


Jana Pratt
Jana Pratt


Pat Williams
Pat Williams-#1


Pat Williams
Pat Williams-#2


Christine Barnsley
Christine Barnsley-#2


Christine Barnsley
Christine Barnsley–#3


Mary Heard
Mary Heard


Barb Ellis
Barb Ellis

THANK YOU to all who participated.  YOUR quilts are all BEST of SHOW!

Sunny (though -22F)-in-Minnesota,




  • Trish Frazier

    Noreen Borys

  • Whiskers

    Congratulations to everyone that participated. You did something us looky-loos haven’t–competed and completed. I vote for Pat Williams.

  • Melody Amonson

    Pat Williams #1 gets my vote!

  • Linda

    Pat Williams #1…outstanding.

  • Christine Wellhausen

    Noreen Borys – lovely!

    • June Neigum

      Noreen Borys love the texture created with the thread color

  • Pat V

    The job of a quilt show judge must be amazingly difficult. All of these entries are very well done. There is so much talent out here among your followers.
    I had several favorites as I looked through the entries but I finally choose Jern Siew for the poinsettias and Noreen Borys for the sunflowers. Beautiful work all!

  • Gail Griffin

    Pat Williams #1 – beautiful!

  • Cindy

    Jern Siew gets my vote. Beautiful work on all of them,

  • Patti Turner

    I vote for Jern Siew for the Pointsettia quilt and Pat Williams #1 for the sunflower quilt. They are all really beautiful and you can tell lots of work went into each of them.

  • Jenn Siew

  • My vote goes to Colette Hawkins for well shaped petals and a well divided background area with clear variation in background scale of motifs. The use of shadow fabric also adds structure to the whole.
    I must admit that Noreen Borys use of different threads is also stunning and all the quilts are beautiful. Well done everyone.

  • Barbara

    My fave is Jern Siew’s quilt!

  • Mary Robertson

    Pat Williams #1. Congrats to all who submitted. You each did a wonderful job!

  • Donna

    Pat Williams #1

  • Rosemarie

    I love Jern Siew’s quilt!

  • Q Bee

    They are all very good but I like Lynn Brazen’s one the best, for the bold use of fabric.

  • Chris

    Noreen Borys I like the contrast, but they are all very good.

  • Carol in Arkansas

    My vote is for Pat Williams #1. Love both of hers were beautiful and also Jern Siew’s piece was gorgeous. Hard to choose.

  • My vote is for Noreen Borys as best one. She filled the whole space with quilting. counted at least 8 different patterns around sunflower. Darker binding accents dark and light threads used. Cornerstone design is great. Border design all around is outstanding.

  • judy powell

    Noreen Borys #1 because she finished the outside border. Pat Williams #2, love the colors but looks unfinished around outside.

  • Elizabeth Roehr

    Noreen Borys was my choice. They are all beautiful and must be stunning in person.

  • D Hersh

    Pat Williams #1. I love the thread colors.

  • These are all terrific. I like Pat Williams-#2 best.

  • I chose Jana Pras! I was impressed with the texture created, and the lovely braided wheat border.
    Great ” contest” ! Didn’t have the time to participate, but have a Van Gogh panel to work on, and will try some of the patterns on it!

  • Pat Williams #1 although this was a tough competition! Congratulations everyone! Beautiful work and so many variations.

  • Regina DeCapite

    Love Pat Williams #1! Though they all are very pretty!

  • Barbara Stanbro #2

  • Karen Ishii

    I think they are all wonderful. I still have this on my bucket list to do soon. Congrats to all who finished it.

  • Debbie Horton

    Wow! They are all so creactive. And all beautifully executed in their own right. Pat Williams 2 caught my eye due to fabric and thread choice and for the motifs chosen as well as where she placed them. And she did such a good job with her quilting. Norden Boys is my second choice.

    • Diana Lassahn

      Peggy Beck’s flower,etc. was very well done. Loved them all, but Peggy’s was so evenly quilted and so nicely detailed. I especially noticed the small flower in each quarter of the mini quilt.

  • dragee

    I vote for Pat Williams # 1 as a sunflower quilt and for Christine Barnsley # 1 as a poinsettia quilting. It was difficult to make a choice, they were all beautiful and interesting. Many wishes from France

  • Suzanna Trail

    Hard decision. Noreen Borys was my final decision. Congratulations to all for great quilting.

  • Jean Q.

    Who can choose? They all get my vote.

  • Diane Kelley

    Lynn Brazen. You wouldn’t have thought that fabric would work, but it’s beautiful.

  • Priscilla Reed

    I liked a lot of the quilts, but Noreen Borys’ really caught my eye.

  • Karen

    I vote for the quilt done by Noreen Borys

  • Thelma Goodnough

    Noreen Borys–loved the depth of the inside of the sunflower head and orange being my favorite.

  • Ginny L

    I vote for Joan Liboiron

  • Lisa Horn

    They are all amazing! I must go with Noreen Bourys entry.

  • Chris Geschwantner

    Pat Williams -#1

  • Pat Williams #1 ….it was a hard choice….each quilt had merits of it’s own…but her two were my favorites and #1 beat out #2 by a hair.

  • Deborah Johnson #1

  • Oh, heavens, what a difficult choice!! I love several! I’ll have to go with Denise Smart’s it is really wonderful. But they all are prize worthy!

  • Ingrid Slatta

    Pat Williams #2 speaks to me.

  • Rosie

    I loved them all, but Pat Williams #1 stood out for me! Great job ladies!

  • Love Jana Pratt’s sunflower!

  • Virginia Hanson

    Noreen Borys quilt took my eye, but there were many very well done pieces. Thanks for sharing.

  • Pat Williams #1. I would have been proud to have made any one of them.

  • Kathe

    Can we vote for more than one? I found three that I loved. They are all wonderful but I think I have to vote for Pat Williams #1 as my first choice in keeping with the sunflower theme. Since it’s Christmas I also loved Jern Siew’s (thoughtful and imaginative setting) and Christine Barnsley #1.

  • Barbara Alten

    I’m voting for Noreen Borys sunflower quilt. It’s beautiful and very pleasing to the eye with the variegated threads.

  • Susan Coolidge

    Pat Williams #1

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