Summer Art–Rock Painting

August 25, 2014
Painted Rocks

LKennedy.RockPainting003A few weeks ago, my nephew, his wife and their four children made the trek to Minnesota for a little “Up North” fun.

After collecting rocks on The St. Croix River, we spent several happy hours creating painted rocks to trade and share.

I even had my portrait painted–see rock above…

Painted RocksWith only a few days–gasp!!–yes, days left before the kids return to school, you might enjoy this little pastime. (If you don’t have kids…it’s still fun…)

First…check out these ideas…kokokoKIDS:  Painted Rocks (Make sure your scroll down until you see the “people” rocks–my favorite!)  and,

6 Ways to Paint a Rock

Painted RocksIf you need any inspiration for what to paint on your rock, of course you don’t have to look any farther than The Inbox Jaunt Free Motion Quilt Tutorials!

Consider it Cross Training…



PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to share, re-blog, tweet and Pin with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.   For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thank you!





  • Sheree

    Fun stuff. I painted rock back in the70’s (high school). They were my Christmas gifts to friends & family. I wonder if anyone still has theirs. She doesn’t have it anymore but my mom still talks about the one I gave her. It had a cross and chalice to rep her Catholic failth.

  • I LOVE YOUR PORTRAIT!! I also love children! I’ve been vacationing in the Pequot lakes area for the month of August. I had family and my daughter’s friends visit. Mostly, I’ve been on my own quilting!! I love MN lakes and have vacationed here for 30+ years. MN has the best quilt shops. I absolutely love the shop in Brainard and I think I’ll be returning in Nov. for a HQ Quilting Retreat. Most of my days here are filled with sewing, spending time at the lake and walks on Paul Bunyon Trail. I wish I lived in MN, too! 🙂

    • A

      Hi Jane, So glad you’re enjoying our lovely state and getting in a lot of quilting time! Sounds like heaven!

  • So many excellent ideas, thanks for sharing!
    I was not sure it was you… but with some imagination your portrait is accurate 😉 and you have certainly spent some good hours painting rocks!

  • What fun! I’m totally inspired. Thank you for sharing!

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