String of Beads-A Free Motion Quilt Tutorial

November 17, 2015
String of Beads, FMQ, Kennedy

String of Beads, FMQ, KennedyGood Morning, Quilters!

Today is Tutorial Day–and if it keeps raining here in Minnesota–it’s going to be a marathon quilting day, too!  (I’m not complaining about the rain–it could be SNOW!)

Did you know that Christmas is just 38 days away? 

If you’re making any Christmas quilts, this is a great festoon to add to YOUR quilts!

THE STRING OF BEADS FREE MOTION QUILT TUTORIALString of Beads, FMQ, KennedyBegin by drawing two parallel lines. In the sample below, the lines are 1 inch apart.

Begin stitching on the bottom of the row, between the two lines. (You will be stitching from the bottom toward the top of the quilt.)

Stitch a full circle and stop.String of Beads, FMQ, KennedyStitch a slight oval shape within the circle.  Avoid stitching over any previous line of stitching to prevent thread build up.String of Beads, FMQ, KennedyStitch through the middle of the bead…String of Beads, FMQ, Kennedy

Add a small circle on top. (Make 1-1/2 revolutions to begin the next motif.)String of Beads, FMQ, Kennedy

Once you master the basic bead, try changing the shape…String of Beads, FMQ, Kennedy

String of Beads, FMQ, Kennedy

The String of Beads would make a great border in any quilt–it doesn’t have to be for Christmas!

And you don’t have to follow a straight line…

Hope this one makes it to YOUR next quilt!

Happy Beading!


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!



  • Robin Kohls

    I would like to reach you to see if you would talk with our quilt guild but can’t find your phone # or email address. Please contact me!

  • I love this,great time to do this one.

  • kaholly

    What fun! Thanks!

  • Shirley M

    Another amazing lesson by Lori. :-)) Thank you Lori…

  • Lisa A


  • June Neigum

    Thank You Lori, Just put a rail fence quilt on my design wall and was wondering what I would use to quilt it. This fits the ticket perfectly. Love it and all the varieties that can come from this simple design.

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