Spring is in the Air

March 18, 2015
Spring Bird with Umbrella, Free Motion Quilting

Spring Bird with Umbrella, Free Motion QuiltingGood Morning, Quilters!

Spring is in the air here in Minnesota!  (With occasional blasts from Old Man Winter…)

Soon the birds will return…a little rain…and then FLOWERS!  I am so looking forward to a garden flush with flowers!

In the meantime, I will enjoy the return of all the pretty birds.  Eastern Blue birds are my favorite!

Spring Bird with Umbrella, Free Motion QuiltingIn anticipation…a little quilt.

Spring Bird with Umbrella, Free Motion QuiltingThe white thread is Superior’s Magnifico-a 40wt tribal polyester with gorgeous sheen.

In the background, the matte finish, King Tut cotton…just for texture.

Spring Bird with Umbrella, Free Motion QuiltingI feel a little spring in my step these days…do you?

If so…fly on over to the Webinar…LIVE today..there’s still time…

If you can’t make it today, sign up anyway, and we’ll send the link within a week, along with the supplemental material.

All questions will be answered either during the Webinar or in writing…

Meander No More Live Webinar

Meander No More: Learn to Free Motion Quilt With Confidence

Happy Spring Stitching!


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to share, pin, reblog with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com.  Thanks!




  • carolynblock

    Lori, I signed up for the webinar ( can’t wait!!)
    How and where do I access it?

  • This is absolutely beautiful!! Thanks so much for all you share. I love all your fmq tutorials.

  • Tavette

    Your little blue bird is just like you – always prepared. She’s ready for those April showers.

    Thanks not only for the design but for letting us know what type thread you used. Those of us who were sewing clothing when there was only 1 or 2 types of thread have a lot to learn. By following your blog we learn not only about fabric, design, doodling, etc. but we learn about threads as well. If you want to produce a quality product, you must use quality products.

    Tavette – S. Fla.

  • Sandie

    You are incredibly talented!!!

  • Marta

    BlueBirdy is soooo cute..I want her to visit my yard too!

  • Rosemarazzle

    Rosemary B here:
    Oh my, your sewn picture is so adorable. Just the cutest thing I have ever seen.
    Lori, you really are an inspiration

    • WordPress.com Support

      Thanks Rosemary! You are always so kind!

  • beautiful. Happy Spring!!!
    I will have Autumn. Snif!!
    Greetings from Chile.

  • Love your little “bluebird of happiness”! So appropriate for these days!!!!!!

  • Spring in Minnesota?? Isn’t that, like, in June?
    Love the bird and the umbrella! You are an artist.

  • Katharine Jenkins

    Saw my first robin yesterday. Thank goodness spring is here!

  • carolynblock

    Lori, I signed up for the webinar ( can’t wait!!)
    How and where do I access it?fx.

    • WordPress.com Support

      You should receive a link. Check your junk mail too. Thanks for coming!

  • Your little bird quilt is darling!! The umbrella gave me an idea for april showers! My fave are Eastern Bluebirds too…we usually don’t get them but I’ve had a pair here the last four years or so! Haven’t seen them yet but had two pair of bluebirds fighting over one of my bird houses just the other day.
    So excited for you on the webinar…are you excited!! It’s going to go great! So did they come to you or are you at a studio somewhere? I want to hear all about it!!! See you soon!

  • Carol Elmer

    Darling design, all she needs is a nest under the umbrella!

  • absolutely love this, every little bird needs her own parasol.

  • I saw two bluebirds Monday, so I know warm weather is coming.

  • Marianne

    This is stunning! You have a genius for designing, free motion quilting, writing, and blogging. The work you share is absolutely inspiring. Thank you so much!

    • WordPress.com Support

      Can I quote you to my family?? LOL. Thank you!

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