Spin the Dreidel-A Free Motion Quilt Tutorial

November 4, 2014
Spin the Dreidel, Free Motion quilting

Spin the Dreidel, Free Motion quiltingGood Morning, Quilters!

Are YOU getting ready for the holidays?  Do YOU make gifts for many people on YOUR list?

Time to get started…

Today we are going to “Spin the Dreidel” (free-motion-quilt-style.

Spin the Dreidel, Free Motion quiltingTHE DREIDEL-A FREE MOTION QUILT TUTORIAL

Begin the dreidel by stitching the first part of the letter “M”.

Tilt the letter to the side so the top looks like it’s spinning at an angle.

Spin the Dreidel, Free Motion quiltingStitch the mirror image of the top two lines to create a parallelogram.

Spin the Dreidel, Free Motion quiltingNext, stitch the handle of the dreidel by stitching into the center of the top, then straight up.  Stitch a knob handle.

Spin the Dreidel, Free Motion quilting

Stitch back into the center of the parallelogram, across to the corner and down to create the right side of the dreidel.

Spin the Dreidel, Free Motion quiltingStitch an angle line down.  Stop here.

Spin the Dreidel, Free Motion quiltingStitch up to the top of the dreidel and back down again.

Spin the Dreidel, Free Motion quiltingStitch across to the starting point..  Then angle down to create the tip of the dreidel.

Spin the Dreidel, Free Motion quiltingFinish the right side of the dreidel by stitching to the right corner and back down again ON the previous line of stitching.

Stitch a small circle.stopping at the edge of the tip.

Spin the Dreidel, Free Motion quiltingNext, stitch semi-circles–encasing the tip, but never through the tip.  

Stitch a line off to the side of the dreidel.

Spin the Dreidel, Free Motion quiltingYou may add a star by stitching a triangle.  On the bottom line, double stitch less than half way across to begin the inverted triangle…

Spin the Dreidel, Free Motion quiltingCompletes the star.

Spin the Dreidel, Free Motion quiltingSpin the Dreidel!  It’s Hanukkah time!

For the entire FREE free motion quilt tutorial library with nearly 100 step-by-step tutorials you’ve come to the right place!

Spin the Dreidel, Free Motion quilting

I’m a little dreidel made out of clay,

Spin me around when you want to play.

When I fall down if you don’t win,

Just pick me up and spin again!


WednesdayBuild a Rock Sold Routing for Free Motion Quilting Series

Thursday-Free Motion Quilting Quick Tips

Friday-Open Line Questions and Answers.  This week we’ll focus on battings.

Saturday-Seamstresses in Fine Art

Sunday-Silent Sunday-photography

Happy Hannukah!

Happy Stitches!


NOTE-This tutorial was stitched on my domestic (Bernina) sewing machine, without a stitch regulator using Sulky 40wt Rayon on top and Aurifil 50 wt cotton in the bobbin.

PS…All tutorials, information and images are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to share, pin, re-blog with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com.  Thanks!



  • Cute Tute!! Thank you. I am just starting Christmas…I can’t seem to work on it til it’s the season…but time seems to be flying! Lately I’ve been chanting “don’t panic…don’t panic” there’s time. haha! Did we make a “want to make” list in our notebook? I haven’t picked mine up for some time…when I find those ten minutes to sew I need to have my next project ready…hmm…think I need to back up a few days, seems I remember you talking about this. 🙂 I’ve wasted time digging around trying to remember what else I wanted to get started. My brain is on project overload…too much stimulation…darn you Pinterest! LOL!

  • Sandra Brown

    Hi Lori,

    Thank you for posting all the instructions for your exceptional designs. I Am also a new quilter.
    At the moment I am making Christmas trees for my neighbours, and hearts for the tree. Bunting is my next project, and calendar.
    My New Year resolution will be! To try and do free motion on a quilt…and not a sample piece! Which I have lots…practice, practice, practice!!!


  • Sarah

    Hallo lori,

    Sorry for my English. I just started with free motion quilting. Where can i best start to learn, which tutorial?
    Do you juse quilt gloves? How do you take your fabric? Do you put your hands on the top of the quilt?…


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