Snowmen-A Free Motion Quilt Tutorial

December 8, 2015
Snowmen, FMQ, LCKennedy

Snowmen, FMQ, LCKennedyGood Morning, Quilters!

The Winter Wind has arrived and brought the snow…

Time for Snowmen!


I am writing today at the BERNINA blog, We All Sew...You’ll find the step-by-step tutorial for this jaunty little snowman there.


As you know, I am proud to be a BERNINA Ambassador as I have been sewing on BERNINA sewing machines for more than 30 years–(If you must do the math…I started sewing when I was 5.)

I love BERNINAs for their incomparable stitch formation that looks as good on the back as it does on the front!

Currently, I am sewing on the B 770 QEwith adaptive tension–my favorite machine of all time!  I just can’t say enough about how much I love this machine (and all of my 6 BERNINA sewing machines)–they all have their own personalities.

…so if there’s room on your “Good Girl List”—consider a BERNINA sewing machine this Christmas.

While you’re at We All Sew, check out the great tutorials and Giveaways going on at BERNINA’s Countdown to Christmas.  

Win a book by commenting on this tutorial on The BERNINA site. 


As I countdown to Christmas, there’s a lot to share here at The Inbox Jaunt

Lots of red and green quilts, plenty of free motion quilting, several project finishes,  some quick gifts…


Coming soon!


PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at  Thanks!




  • JoannDibble

    I’m going to try this one today.

  • Linnie

    Oh the inspiration you give me with all your tutorials, but I absolutely adore snowmen so this is the icing on the cake. By the end of next year I hope to have my own small quilt on my wall. Thank you so much. What a way to end the year.

    • Support

      It’s one of my favorites too! Can’t wait to see what you create!

  • rascassepoule

    I love this snowman tutorial!even if is’nt it in New Caledonia; thank’s

  • NIce tutorial and I just love Bernina too!

  • Margie Brecik

    I did buy myself my first Bernina. The 580 is all I could afford. I have had her for about 3 months. I really love this machine. Most of my machines are husqvarna. They are wonderful machines also but the Bernina just looked fun. I still have lots to learn. I am enjoying the process

  • Beverly

    Lori – Always such excellence and whimsy at the same time!!!

  • Trish

    Love the snowman. Like someone else said, you make this look so easy.

  • Lorraine Doyno Evans

    This is so cute! I love the snowman and the red wall hanging,

  • Theresa A

    You ‘Snowed” us with this one,again……. lol lol

  • Donna

    Love your snowmen (or snowladies with a different hat?)

  • Diane B.

    I am going to try the snowmen and put holly at their bottoms.

  • Dixie Middleton

    I love the vase quilt, esp the snowman. I collect them. I will be making one of these small quilts to add to my collection.

  • Claire

    Wow, this is amazing quilting. If I could quilt like this I wouldn’t even need to piece the top, just quilt it. I have also been sewing on a Bernina for 40 years but it is the same Bernina…a 1974 830 Record. Thanks for the amazing tutorials, Lori.

    • Support

      I have that machine too! It’s a winner. Great stitches!

  • Aaynne

    Your creations always put a smile on my face and a desire to improve me skills in my heart! Lovely, Lori Kennedy!!!

  • Lori, your work is wonderful. If I thought I could make my FMQ look as good as yours on a Bernina, I’d buy one! I agree they are great machines; sadly, I don’t see one in my future. When I chose my machine (about 10-12 years ago), I debated between the Bernina and the brand I have. I do like my machine, but I still long for the beautiful stitching you get with a Bernina…

  • Pat Evans

    Love the snowman. You make it look so easy. Will this tutorial be included here on your blog or will we need to go to the Bernina blog in the future if we want to try it?

    • Support

      It will always be linked to BERNINA

  • Cindy @ In A Stitch

    Love the snowman!

  • Lois Weissberg

    Great tutorial today. You are so inspiring!

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