Sketch Book Idea

March 6, 2014
Free Motion Quilting, Doodles

Free Motion Quilting, DoodlesDo you ever work on a little FMQ practice and find one area or motif that looks great, but the rest isn’t worth saving?

Next time, try this little trick:  Cut out the motif you like and stitch it into your sketchbook.   Use an old needle, stitch right through your motif and the paper.  I find this works much better than glue.

Free Motion Quilting, DoodlesThen add a few more doodles and you have a nice record of your favorite FMQ!

Free Motion Quilting, DoodlesWhat about YOU?  Have you ever tried stitching fabric to paper?  I’d love to hear any tips or tricks…

Happy FMQoodling,


PS… All tutorials, information and images are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, doodle, Pin, stitch with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For any other purpose, please contact me at  Gracias!




  • Christine

    When I was in college (a hundred years ago), I stitched down the left side of all my term papers to create a booklet. Easy to read and unique–at least it was in the 70’s. The professors loved it! No staples or paper clips for me. And yes, I had a sewing machine in my dorm room.

  • Dalvinder

    I’ve stapled fabric samples into sketch books; it’s not so pretty but the samples don’t move.

  • rascassepoule

    greats ideas I will try it!

  • Marta

    Can you free motion right on the cards? been making cards with my photography for 14 years but never thought about sewing on them…Thanks, Marta (working on a UFO today heh heh,,,just taking a littel break now) PS. Lori, that is such a cute little bird!
    I saw a real blue bird couple days ago on edge of the woods.

    • A

      Yes, you can FMQ right on cards. You might need to reinforce with interfacing–and increase your stitch length to prevent perforating the paper.

      • Marta

        Will try it…shamrocks here I come..!! Thank you.

  • Joy F

    I just read somewhere on the web (sorry, can’t remember where) about using fusible web on fabric to make cards. Might this be an alternate way of fastening a clipping to your sketchbook?

  • rosemarazzle

    Rosemary B here:
    I agree with Annie ^^ BRILLIANT.
    And that you are, Lori.

    I am thinking of selling my house and moving right next door to you hahahahaa
    Okay, I can’t do that. I am so glad I found your blog. Your ideas and creativity make my day 🙂

  • I never even thought to try it! How fun! I love the greeting card idea cute and fun would that be to give or recieve!…and it got my head going on all the other possibilites!!! UH OH! Stop it! I have UFO’s to finish!!!

  • Sue Joos

    What a great idea!

  • I make greeting cards by stitching designs on them with my sewing machine. I would not like to stitch something in a notebook without ripping out the page…too much trouble. But I like the sketchbook idea for FMQ VERY MUCH.

    • Support

      It was fairly easy to stitch this into the notebook because the notebook is large. I bet your greeting cards are fun to make and even more fun to receive!

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