Today’s Topic: Simple Applique Projects for Quilting
Welcome to Week Twenty Three of The Better Machine Quilt-a-long based on my book 25 Days to Better Machine Quilting.
Find all of the previous Lessons HERE.
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Good Morning, Quilters!
Today we are going to create a simple applique block to practice free motion quilting.
While this is a practice piece, be sure to use colors you love and fabric that sings to you!
You will have more fun creating–even while practicing–when you use colors and shapes you LOVE!

Preparing the Fabric for Applique
There are many ways to create applique. If you have a favorite method–do it your way.
For this project, I used the fused, raw edge applique method.
To create the shapes, I like to begin by applying fusible web to pieces of fabric. Create a collection of fused sheets in a workable size like 9 x 12″.
(Many fusible web products, like Lite Steam-A-Seam, and Heat N Bond are sold in rolls or in convenient 9 x 12″ sheets.)
I keep a box of pre-fused fabrics for collage style applique and add to it when I start a new project.
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Cut the Shapes
Remove the paper backing to make cutting easier and begin cutting shapes.
You can layer the fabric to cut multiple shapes at a time.
Serrated scissors makes cutting applique easier. (I’ve had these Clover scissors forever and still LOVE them!)
Cut a variety of leaf and flower shapes. Add circles and other geometric shapes.
It’s fun to cut out a lot of shapes so you have plenty of choices for composition.

Compose the Applique Shapes
Choose a fat quarter fabric for your mini quilt.
Press it well or the wrinkles will be distracting when composing.
Start playing with your shapes to create a composition.
Try a round posy of flowers, or create a wreath, with the center open.

Play, Play, Play!
Try a variety of compositions and take photos of your favorites.
Cut more shapes to audition new designs.
Try a new base layer color too! (Use your vinyl overlay to place the applique shapes and layer it over different fabric colors.)
Of course, don’t limit yourself to flowers…
Pour yourself a cup of tea…perhaps new inspiration will arise.

Press and Layer
Once you’ve decided on a favorite composition, press the shapes to fuse.
Layer the block with batting and backing.
And you’re ready to design your quilting!
Review the ideas from How to Machine Quilt Applique and check out more shapes and color combinations on page 114 of 25 Days to Better Machine Quilting.
Tomorrow, we’ll discuss thread choices for applique and start quilting!!!
Snowing in Minnesota
There’s a 8 inch base layer of snow on the ground and it’s snowing as I write…
So I’ll quilt a garden!
Will YOU join me?
May YOU enjoy #flowersinwinter
YOUR Quilting Gardener,

PS…All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy Quilts and are intended for personal use only. Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to LKQ. For all other purposes, please contact me at Lori@LoriKennedyQuilts.com. Thank you!
Visit my Etsy shop: LoriKennedyShop for all of my books! They are ALL bestsellers!

Hi Lori,
What a pleasure to discover you on the front page of Google
Enjoyed a cruise through your site and LOVED IT
Thanks for brightening a very cloudy, almost rainy day
Here in Brisbane Queensland Australia
Lori Kennedy Quilts
I’m delighted to hear we brightened a rainy day. It’s snowy and overcast here in MN!
Lori Kennedy Quilts
I don’t know what you mean! Front page of Google? Would you be able to send a screenshot to Lori@LoriKennedyqQuilts.com?
Ann Zeman
Lori, you are incredibly inspirational! You make me want to put aside my current projects to try something new – and I will do it! Thanks for the time and creativity you put into your blog. It’s one of my favorites.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
It’s great to take a little time from our bigger projects to “cross-train”! It helps with creativity! Can’t wait to see what you create!
Marilyn Larkin
Your latest book arrived in the mail today. – live in Australia. Thank-you so much your tutorials are amazing, but now I have the book together along with the email tutes I can pace myself read carefully all of your instructions and review my results: and, I am going to have to doodle much more. No excuses now. I am thrilled with the book 25 days to better quilting.Now I’m off to make more quilt sandwiches Happy New Year Lori.
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Oh Marilyn–so glad the book arrived safe and sound! No excuses now–LOL! Can’t wait to see YOUR quilts! Happy New Year!
PLAY PLAY , I love that. Super idea with auditioning on plastic overlay. Your work is inspiring!
Lori Kennedy Quilts
Thank you! Yes! Play! It’s good for the soul and for quilting creativitiy!
Janet Licari
Great tutorial…I like the use the plastic to debut background fabric…I never thought of that!
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