• And with a bump, Dorothy landed (somewhat askew) in a strange, new land….

  • farmquilter

    A perfect place to retire to with a good book…only in the summer!!!

  • Marta

    This is large and luxurious one compared to what my grandparents had in the 1930’s.Both were in peaceful locations away from house and barns. Both had flowers along the path the last 10 ft closest to the door..and paper catalogs for our perusal…nada..our personal use.. LOL..but we perused them anyway. My cousins and I got a lot of our “sex education” in the catalog pages,,because we were too embarassed to ask parents what is a ..oops…we couldn’t even say the words out loud. OH, Joan, I know you could say this better than I and everyone would have a great outhouse laugh. RIP

  • Our outhouse had windows so that we could view nature as we relaxed…..

  • Chris

    This is so like a photo my dad took along time ago reminds me of him thank you x

  • “Mary, this place will be here long after we’re gone…”

  • …in a tiny cottage in the Emerald Green Forest…

  • rascassepoule

    a small house in the wood!

  • Once upon a time……..

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