• Pat Cavaliere

    Busted! That looks like the cookies I baked!
    Your sister.

    • A

      Actually, your delicious gingerbread men – your best ever– (for which you have yet to receive a proper “thank You”) left us wanting more…we (including Ruby and Roxie) had to settle for second-tier imposters by Pepperidge Farm!

      PS…Glad to see you are reading my blog so carefully!

  • What a sweet post to see this Monday morning!

  • Aaaaaaahh!

  • Cute doggies and so obedient! Perhaps they’ll do anything for a cookie like most of us!

  • Cathy

    My guess is that they are tri-color Border Collies 🙂 great picture…

  • Leslie Schmidt

    Great picture. They look so sweet.

  • Marsha

    Add a long line of drool and our dogs look just like that.

  • Marianne

    That stare is a herding dog stare, I’ve noticed even breeds stare stare at treats or what their owner is eating, but not like the Australian Shepherd and the Border Collie. That is a perfect photo of two adorable dogs!

    • A

      My dogs are definitely herders, but I didn’t know about the “herder stare”. Thanks for sharing!

      • Marianne

        I make have made up that term, herding dog stare, but I’m sure my facts are right. I had a hearing dog that was a border collie, and I learned a lot about them, even visited his mother and watched her herd. The lady who found my dog to train for me taught me a lot, and took me to her herding lessons and herding trails. But Australian Shepherds and Border Collies are born ready to stare, the puppies play so cute and get that “herding stare”. Both of those breeds are similar, and I think there were some breeding adaptations that I’m not sure about. Anyway, your dogs are gorgeous and I love when they’re in your photos.

        • A

          Hi Marianne,
          I told someone about your comment regarding “the herding stare” and they absolutely confirm that Aussies use their stares to control sheep! I’m glad you like seeing the dogs…they make me laugh and I hope they make you all laugh, too!

  • Jeanne Crea


  • Lori M.

    Hi Lori, love the expressions on the dogs face, maybe you could come to my house and teach our dogs to sit quietly like that………

  • Marta

    Are these Australians shepards (sp) ? Our son had one for years. She was one of the two best dogs we have ever known… She would obey his facial expressions and head movements. Whole extended family misses her. These are beautiful whatever
    kind they are.

  • I wonder if I stare like that when I’m getting a treat? Cute photo.

  • Irene Shooter

    I just love those sweet faces on the doggies, they are looking forward to that treat.

  • Pat S

    That is a universal stare if I’ve ever seen one. Cute! 😀

  • Love this… they like their cookies!

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