• Marta

    Silent photo has most of my favorite colors…haven’t figured out how to display my 19 wood spools of thread yet… have more but these are the colors which are inspiring
    and comforting to me.
    By the way, anyone else dealing with macular degeneration? Over past two weeks, my left eye focusing ability has succumbed…only periphery left. I have 8 more quilts on my list to do !! I cleaned out my sewing double door closet last night and have to give away as much as possible. Hoping to get all quilting supplies out of guest room and into closet.

  • I agree with the comment from K.C. Jackson. You have changed many people into quilters with your fine tutorials. Don’t change your style. It gives directions in tiny bites and when you get it all together, the design works great. Many of us learn by seeing things in tiny steps and your photos are so clear and easy to follow. Thanks for being who you are and letting us all share in your growth.

  • K. C. C Jackson

    Hi, Lori! Girl, you have changed my life! I, like you, have been a sewer all my life. I just love to sew! My dear m-i-law is a quilter, but I like quick projects, so I thought I’d delay trying to quilt until I’m retired. However, when a local quilt show was changing ownership and had beautiful quilt fabric for $2 a yard, a went a little nuts. I had to start quilting to use up that fabric! I was addicted at quilt number one. I’ve fully made six now, but am struggling with even, pretty stitches. I finally came across your site and you do what I would love to be able to do. So, I’m impatiently trying to doodle, doodle, doodle. I can’t just waste any more fabric, so I’ve started on a quilt kit I bought for my future grandchild that my m-i-law pieced years ago. My quilting is not great, but it’s good enough and I think I will have greatly improved by the time I’m finished.

    I just had to write to thank you. I’ve subscribed to your mailing list and anxiously await hearing more from you. I’m making myself do my housework this morning so I can get back to the quilt this afternoon. You are amazing. Thank you for sharing your talents!

    K. C. Jackson

  • Bits and pieces from the past….

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