• Bette

    “With malice toward none, with charity for all….” If only that were the philosophy motivating those in power today. Thank you for this photo. I hope our country will eventually return to the inclusive values Lincoln stood for.

  • Gypsybaker

    If you look at the blue highlighted words at the very beginning of the post, it
    clearly says “Abraham Lincoln, Dickeyville Grotto” The grotto is located in Dickeyville Wis. I think honest Abe would be rolling over in his grave by now!

  • Love seeing your pictures! You are such a good photographer. I have always been the photographer in our family. Forever was teased on how long it took me to focus, but my pictures were always pretty good. Much easier these days with instant cameras.

  • The great emancipator. I think he would say, stay strong America. God has a plan.

  • Wonder what his thoughts would be about what is happening today in our country, the world?

  • Honest Abe

  • Marta

    Happy Birthday this month, Sir. History says you were one of the best!

  • Bev Neuenschwander

    Would be nice to have a caption of what the picture is and in this case, location. Thanks. Look forward to seeing the pictures each Sunday.

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