• Cathy W.

    This would look perfect as a picture for January on a calendar of your area.
    Love it.

  • Pat V

    Love it, from our near 80 degree day.

  • Memories of life with the beauty of snow, thank you

  • Marta

    Elegant and lovely and awe-inspiring and YES I love that scene and miss it !! With photography talent like this, how did you ever get distracted into quilting? I know… I know… just a multi-talented Renaissance Woman! And we receive much benefit! Thank you.

  • Your silent Sunday posts have inspired me to use my camera more. I live on Bainbridge Island in Washington State and miss those beautiful now scenes from Minnesota. When I want snow, I go to the mountains, but it is not the same as walking out the door to beautiful bright fresh snow. Thanks1

  • Susan A

    Beautiful picture…I love a snowy day

  • Evelyn, Thank You for reminding me of this special Joyce Kilmer poem. In the “olden days in a 3 room school” we would be given a poem to memorize & then recite each to the classes on Fridays. This poem was given to me & has forever been one of my favorites. The line: But Only God Can Make A Tree, provides such clarity for our world. Thank You Lori–it is a beautiful picture.

  • Rouve van Zyl

    This is soul stuff! Thank you

  • Evelyn

    This brought back to mind an old poem that starts with, I think that I shall never see, a poem as lovely as a tree. I love today’s photo.

  • I always enjoy getting your Silent Sunday posts. I never know what you will post. I was hoping today would be weather related. Nice to enjoy the peacefulness from afar! Brrrrrrr!

  • Aileen Kline

    Wow. Love this picture!

  • Janette

    Beautiful! Looks like a panel l have seen for a quilt!

  • Ellie

    Gorgeous. Glad I can enjoy from afar.

  • Pamela North

    What a beautiful contrast to the current weather in Sydney, Australia. A couple of night’s ago we had our hottest overnight January temperature on record of over 86F.

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