• I love the different shades of green of your garden. Our gardening this year was in pots, peppers did exceedingly well, tomatoes on the other hand did not grow the Beefsteaks, instead, we’ve had very smallish tart, fruit. We’ve used our large downtown Knoxville Farmers Market & have been very satisfied. But, being Scotch Irish I miss getting my hands in the soil. Have a blessed Sunday everyone.

  • Whiskers

    In the pot might be a chrysanthemum, behind the marker is rhubarb, possibly Virginia creeper on the fence. No, mine doesn’t look this good either.

    With or without a name, it grows.

  • I like this silent Sunday post with the marker blank. That is truly my kind of gardener (I can’t remember what that plant is, but I like how it looks). Thanks for the Sunday rest with a thoughtful photo to meditate on.

  • Janet Robertson-Driscoll

    garden plants look healthy, ours was a bust this year.

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