• The words in my photo/gravatar say: “When you try to control everything, you enjoy nothing — let go, relax & breathe.” Author unknown.

  • Wondering if anyone else picked up on the shadow of the ship weather vane. Very cool effect! I look forward to Sunday’s photo. Many thanks for the smiles your work brings. Carol (aka Tehachap)

  • Laroletta Petty

    Love your rooster weather vane picture.I love roosters and have about 50 in my kitchen. A new weather vane rooster is an idea with appeal. Thank you for all you do for the quilting community-my favorite stop on the web!

  • Barb E


  • Marta. south Georgia

    He is so elegant…..but I think I can hear him….not so silent ! LOL I know he rules his roost ! yes, inspirational…

  • loosecannon2

    Love this rooster wind vane; the tail looks like doodling to me. Are you nervous–don’t be, know that all of us here on “The Inbox Jaunt” (TIJ) are eager for your class to be posted so we may sign up. God Speed.

  • jackinka331

    My best wishes as you prepare your course at Craftsy. I can’t wait to sign up. You are an inspiration and a blessing. Thank you so much. Jackinka

  • Lorraine Doyno Evans

    I envision a motif!

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