• Happy Mother’s Day to all women — whether you are a mother or not, you are special and you deserve to be honored. Blessings to all…Carol Westover (aka Tehachap)

  • Leslie Schmidt

    Lovely. Happy Mother’s Day, Lori, and all you other wonderful mothers out there!

  • Brenda

    I can almost smell them.

  • Marta

    As my mom-in-law told me once, “Your photography shows us the beauty in the world..” Thank you Lori..for instituting Silent Sunday…

  • Carolyn

    Gorgeous, so peaceful!

  • Phyllis

    Beautiful and refreshing!!

  • Hope all you mums have a memorable and special day. Thank you, Lori for this beautiful bit of Spring blossom. We are just ending Autumn (Fall) and have had a week of cold, cold winds and stormy rains. Our Winter is certainly well on its way! Love to all mothers from Australia.

  • loosecannon2

    Thank you for your selection Lori, as someone said, “It is so refreshing.” And, so very beautiful, like all the MOTHER’S in my life. Did they love us, YES. Did they lose their tempers (minds), YES. Fight to the end for us, YES you bet. Do I Miss Them? So Very Much.

    Have a memorable making day, & know you are loved deeply. Happy Mother’s Day!

  • Janet

    Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms. The delicate white and green is so refreshing, isn’t it?

  • Happy Mother’s Day to all the awesome mothers out there

  • Beautiful, they look so delicate.

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