Seamstresses in Fine Art

July 23, 2016

Aleksei Gritsai, Russian Artist

Aleksei Gritsai  (1914-1998)


Read more HERE

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  • When we had our first house, it had a long add-on laundry room with windows like that on one side. That is where my treadle sat, a gift from my step-mother’s aunt who had been a seamstress all her life. I learned to sew on that old Wheeler and Wilson and ended up making all the kids clothes for many a year on it. I now mourn the day I gave it up for a modern machine.

  • Amanda Pitman

    I love the warmth of this painting and the contrast of the purples/pinks/blues!

  • Karen L.

    Lori, I too am loving seeing the art work you are finding. This one is to me especially warm and inviting. The seamstress’s dress is about the same color as the rough wood in the house where she sits. And the flowers in the foreground are a lovely contrasting color. Might they be some sort of fashion or home decor magazines sitting on the table that she is using for inspiration or is it just the local paper? Guess we will never know. But I do agree with Marta: what a wonderful spot to sit and sew in front of a large window with lots of natural light!

  • Redundant I have enjoyed this series SO MUCH

  • Rosemaryflower

    So pretty.
    Thank you for sharing – taking the time to seek out these treasures and the sources for information. I really appreciate it.
    I love this one so much.

  • This one is extraordinary! Thank you!

  • Tammy

    I look forward to these posts Lori and love this one especially. Thank you!

  • Marta

    Note. there is a lot more info when you click on the stamp itself. I couldn’t find a name for who painted Aleksei himself for the stamp. Please post if anyone discovers it. It is a revelation to see his gaze looking down and realize what that one little feature does to the mood of the whole painting.

  • Marta

    wow, what delightful morning light and she is taking advantage of it. On second look, maybe it is late afternoon and she picked flowers on her morning walk. She met friends for lunch and finally has a block of time to sew. This is so lovely !

  • I am enjoying these so much! Thank you.

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