Какой бы мы не были национальности, но чувство прекрасного есть у всех женщин. У нас тоже есть сайт по квилтингу, где каждую неделю на главной странице обязательно выкладывают какое-либо произведение искусства на тему “женщина и рукоделие”. А сегодня опять новая картинка с девчушкой в лоскутной юбке. Посмотрите http://www.dublirin.com.ua/index.html , улыбнитесь.
Спасибо за рассылку.
This particular artist, (Francis Criss) has really left an impression on me. I looked and read all the related information that I was able to access from your blog. If I were to go to an art museum I would definitely want to see more of this particular genre. Actually I plan to research this more to find exhibits. Thank you for such an educational journey! I want to also research the purchase of a poster of Alma Sewing. I was struck by the fact that here in the south you see many black Americans, along with Asian Americans, who are in the profession of seamstress. I love how you can “see” the artist in the lightbulb by the seamstress. Stunning!
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Welcome to Lori Kennedy Quilts Store-Quilting Step-by-Step Dismiss
Cathy W
Thank you for finding all these beautiful works of art. I add them to my pin interest with you as my source.
This is lovely.
Lori, I adore all of these photos and paintings you hunt and share with us.
I enjoy each one and the information provided.
This one is especially interesting with the modern focus more on shadows and color. Alma is beautiful
Какой бы мы не были национальности, но чувство прекрасного есть у всех женщин. У нас тоже есть сайт по квилтингу, где каждую неделю на главной странице обязательно выкладывают какое-либо произведение искусства на тему “женщина и рукоделие”. А сегодня опять новая картинка с девчушкой в лоскутной юбке. Посмотрите http://www.dublirin.com.ua/index.html , улыбнитесь.
Спасибо за рассылку.
Lori Kennedy
Thank you for sharing! I agree, we have so much in common, no matter where we live!
^^ very cute web page
Terry Sheldon
I love this painting, and this style! I can’t even remember seeing anything in this particular genre before…thanks for the introduction and the link…
What a lovely painting! So much beauty and symbolism…..as well as Mr. Criss’ self-portrait in the lamp. ? This is a great work!
Thank you for sharing a fascinating picture, and the link to more of the artist’s work.
This particular artist, (Francis Criss) has really left an impression on me. I looked and read all the related information that I was able to access from your blog. If I were to go to an art museum I would definitely want to see more of this particular genre. Actually I plan to research this more to find exhibits. Thank you for such an educational journey! I want to also research the purchase of a poster of Alma Sewing. I was struck by the fact that here in the south you see many black Americans, along with Asian Americans, who are in the profession of seamstress. I love how you can “see” the artist in the lightbulb by the seamstress. Stunning!
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