• Cathy W

    Thank you for finding all these beautiful works of art. I add them to my pin interest with you as my source.

  • Rosemaryflower

    This is lovely.
    Lori, I adore all of these photos and paintings you hunt and share with us.
    I enjoy each one and the information provided.

    This one is especially interesting with the modern focus more on shadows and color. Alma is beautiful

  • Какой бы мы не были национальности, но чувство прекрасного есть у всех женщин. У нас тоже есть сайт по квилтингу, где каждую неделю на главной странице обязательно выкладывают какое-либо произведение искусства на тему “женщина и рукоделие”. А сегодня опять новая картинка с девчушкой в лоскутной юбке. Посмотрите http://www.dublirin.com.ua/index.html , улыбнитесь.
    Спасибо за рассылку.

  • Terry Sheldon

    I love this painting, and this style! I can’t even remember seeing anything in this particular genre before…thanks for the introduction and the link…

  • GrannyC

    What a lovely painting! So much beauty and symbolism…..as well as Mr. Criss’ self-portrait in the lamp. ? This is a great work!

  • Thank you for sharing a fascinating picture, and the link to more of the artist’s work.

  • This particular artist, (Francis Criss) has really left an impression on me. I looked and read all the related information that I was able to access from your blog. If I were to go to an art museum I would definitely want to see more of this particular genre. Actually I plan to research this more to find exhibits. Thank you for such an educational journey! I want to also research the purchase of a poster of Alma Sewing. I was struck by the fact that here in the south you see many black Americans, along with Asian Americans, who are in the profession of seamstress. I love how you can “see” the artist in the lightbulb by the seamstress. Stunning!

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