• donna

    The article just says “that after Walter & Stella married …” not that they married each other!

  • Cheri

    Remember there were mothers that died in childbirth and the father/husband needed someone to care for the baby, my great grandfather had three wives during his lifetime, and one had a son from another marriage where the husband died. Who knows though!

  • Rosemaryflower

    Yeah, this is sweet.
    She has an interesting bio on wiki, thanks for sharing that link.
    Wow, her older brother and sister married each other…. I wonder how common is that.
    She had a close family. nice. and her family was wealthy (that helps)
    I love the painting “Heat”. I am going to send that photo to my daddy. He thinks in the past ten years the planet has gotten so hot it is going to burn up. He is 94.
    Florine’s paintings show it got rather hot in New York too.
    Happy Week-end

    • I’m pretty sure marrying a sibling was also illegal back then :-). Those poor solid German forefathers just turned in their grave, haha!

    • Rosemaryflower

      Well, maybe it is just the way Wiki wrote her early life history. Maybe her older siblings did not marry each other haha.

  • Bette

    Lori, you’ve posted some amazing paintings, but this is one of my favorites!

  • Donna Belisle

    For once, I am speechless….

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