• Love this portrait. I too seem to be edging closer and closer to more and more light lately. This aging thing stinks! Hahaha

  • Boy! Can I relate to this the older I get. I can see me doing the very same thing..in fact, I have once or twice. Thanks for sharing this picture. Some things never change.

  • HollyAnnW

    Ahhhh, symmetry.

  • Becky Shaffer

    Beautiful, but it makes me appreciate my full spectrum artificial light.

  • Lois Weissberg

    I absolutely love all these pictures of women enjoying handwork. Beautiful! Keep it up!

  • Nancy B from Ohio

    Soooooooooooooo Excited!!!! Etsy just notified that my copy of your new book has shipped! Whoo Whoo! I’ll be watching for it with anticipation! ;o)

  • Lj Meyers

    I always look forward to the ‘seamstresses’ each week. Thanks. This one is particularly appealing and makes me realize that I’m not the only sewer that needs lots of light to see and that natural daylight is the best.

  • Mary B

    How inviting! I’d like to pull up a chair, sit with her, and sew.

  • I wish my house looked that peaceful! 🙂
    Beautiful painting

  • Cheri

    Image only sewing when it was light out or by candle light, I wouldn’t have gotten anything accomplished!

  • Donna Belisle

    Getting every iota of that precious light.

  • Pamela North

    Sorry to report there’s text but no image.

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