• Cheri

    This gal is really working at getting that needle? threaded, but later she may kick up her heels as the red underskirt might suggest.

  • Maureen B. in B.C.

    Masterful painting of lace on her overskirt. Lots of clutter to fill a painting with … how did she ever get anything done?!

  • Christenna Stamm

    This picture really draws me in. There is quite a vaired bit of craftsmanship! Wood carving, copper, pottery, spinning, knitting and maybe even the needlepoint on the chair. Not to mention the little foot stool that keeps things in her lap…love it. Thank you Lori!

  • Lori, I love your art posts. We spent Thanksgiving in DC with our middle son and dil. Went to the National Gallery of Art for the Vermeer exhibit, among others. I told my kids about your blog 🙂

    • WordPress.com Support

      Cool! Would love to see the Vermeer exhibit!

  • I wonder how old she really was. People wore out a lot sooner then. Thank God for electricity.

    • Maureen B. in B.C.

      LOL! I was looking at her and thinking “she looks about MY age, 67”. I guess some people are already calling me “old lady” behind my back.

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