• She is having a time out.

  • Janette

    Marta…..your story painted the picture! Loved it!

    • Marta

      For goodness sakes…. thank you…!

  • Marta

    Lovely early Spring morning, laundry all done and hung on the fence to dry. Discovered something in laundry that needed mending. Escape to the garden to do the sewing in peace before the kids find out where she is. Overnight clouds are dissipating and laundry will be dry soon. Kids can retrieve and fold. Or maybe she is sewing something to add to trousseau for eldest daughter, who will be married in Autumn after harvest is done. An abundance of blooms reveals there will be plenty of plums for jelly this year. ……. Love this picture! I want to see what she is sewing…i assume she has gorgeous view of mountains from her upper story bedroom window in mornings. Doesn’t she look like one foot is propped up on the tree trunk? Her true love did beautiful job of painting her…wish I knew his name…

  • I so enjoy these pictures that you post. Thank you!

  • Diana Lassahn

    Stage actors have a lean board to rest against between their time on stage and some of them knit or crochet while waiting.

  • Hmmmmm! Intriguing, that!

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