• Soft and quiet! That is what the picture says to me, or could be “taking care of business”. It was great, having Matilda share her heritage and knowledge with us, makes the picture even more personal. Thanks, Matilda.

  • Cathy W.

    I enjoy these paintings and would not probably ever see them unless taking an art class. Thank you for the education

  • 6PNtOQhih4SmbcXI0D/X5Q+ArpY37dUX1aTHBVvLg8M=

    I clicked on the “read more here” and got a wonderful memory jolt. Some years ago we visited Skagen and saw many of the paintings by Archer. Good memories.

    • WordPress.com Support

      How lucky for you!!

  • I like your selections of Seamstresses in Fine Art. Yesterday, I signed up for one of your classes on Craftsy. I can hardly wait to get going on it.

    • WordPress.com Support

      So excited!! Cant wait to see what you create!

  • Rosemaryflower

    Nice painting.

  • Did I miss something? When is the new book available for purchase? Can’t wait!

    • WordPress.com Support

      Book 1 is available now. Book 2 will be out Spring 2018.

  • Kate Ulmer

    I just joined the blog and have been enjoying the daily posts. Thanks!

  • Ellen

    I loved yesterday’s great news! Of course, I take full credit….I commented on Martingale’s blog that they HAD to publish another book of yours, because you named motifs after Nora and Claire, and you had 2 daughters left to name motifs after! (So now I am curious….did you give them namesakes, or is there to be a book #3 to complete that task??)

    • WordPress.com Support

      You do get credit! I actually have five daughters! Fayes Flowers are also in book 1. Deirdres Diamonds and Olivia the Owl are in book 2. I still need another book for my son. Lol!!!!

  • Marta

    Lovely hard working lady…Love the lighting in this era’s art. However, makes me appreciate electricity and its various lighting. I am wondering whether she has been relegated to repairing the netting while expecting? Might be awkward getting in/out of fishing boat at her stage. Or somebody tell me that is only petticoats? The colors the artist picked are so relaxing and soothing to me.

    • Mathilda

      I do not think that she is pregnant – The title in Danish is Fiskerpige = Fisherman’s (unmarried) daughter. Had she been the wife, it would have been Fiskerkone. At Skagen (Northernmost Jutland, province of Denmark) only the men went out on the boats, but both men and women made and repaired the nets. The girl is wearing an apron over her dress – as always done when working.- probably that is what makes her look thick around the middle.
      Michael Ancher’s wife, Anna Ancher, also a painter, painted several beautiful (and more colourful) scenes with sewing girls and women.
      I was born in Jutland, so I know the area well.

      • Marta

        Hello Mathilda, wow, thank you. How wonderful to have your input on the people and country. It is really important to know the language and culture. Then assumptions will not be wrong like mine ! Enjoyed learning new things.. thanks again!

        • Ellen

          I have been to the lighthouse at Skagen–the one buried in the sand! Denmark as a whole was wonderful.

      • WordPress.com Support

        Thank you! Wonderful to have your perspective!

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