• Amy Ershler

    thank you for sharing these paintings.

  • I love this picture! My mom worked in Picatinny Arsenel in New Jersey loading weapons during WW11.
    Go all the ‘Rosies’ out there!

  • Suzanne

    I love Norman Rockwell! Many of his paintings evoke the era I grew up in and take me on a wonderfully sentimental trip down “Memory Lane”.
    My mother wasn’t a “Rosie”, but she did her part on the home front by taking care of her mother, and looking after my dad’s mother, his sister and his aunts. He was a pacifist and never wanted to go to war, yet still felt it was his duty. He fought Rommell in northern Africa and lived to come home and start a family, praise God.
    I will miss them both always.
    God bless all the “Rosies” who helped make it possible for my dad to get home.

  • Mary Ann Hruska

    I always enjoy your weekend highlight choices and the history surrounding each choice. Thank you.

  • Jodell Winter

    My mom was a Rosie – she worked at two defense plants…Kansas and Santa Monica, CA. Her and her girlfriends worked the swing shift so they could go out dancing after work! She heard many of the Big Bands of that era!! What a time!! She met my dad that way!

  • Wow, look at those muscles in those arms! Thank you to all the Rosiesđź’•

  • Michele Kennedy

    I have always loved Norman Rockwell. By the way I like the favorites you posted. I really wish you would do a photography book, or photos and quilt inspiration- color, blocks, or quilts.

  • Vicky

    I salute all the ”Rosie’s” W can’t and couldn’t do it without them.

  • Anne Godwin

    Love it! To all the Rosies – thank you! We are Rosie! Rosies, working together to get through this unprecedented time.

  • Bette

    Here’s to all the Rosies, the “essentials” who are helping us in these challenging times. I pray for them daily.

  • Julie

    She’s gorgeous! Thanks for winning the war, all you Rosies out there.

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