Quilting with Kids!

August 10, 2017

Quilting with KidsGood Morning, Quilters!

Sorry to have missed a Tuesday Tutorial this week–it’s been very busy around here!  We’ve been enjoying the beautiful Minnesota summer with family and friends and I’ve been working on a Sulky FREE webinar–(Mark your calendars — September 12th.  Sign up for the Sulky newsletter HERE to receive webinar notifications.)

Here’s a sneak preview of the project we will be making:
Quilting with Kids, Stick and StitchI LOVE TO STITCH

The webinar focuses on choosing the right thread for all your quilting needs while making a small wall hanging.

We will be using Sulky’s Stick ‘n Stitch to transfer the design onto fabric–and there will be PRIZES!!!


I love when I find a product that makes quilting easier–and Stick ‘n S makes pattern transfer as easy as pushing a button!

Simply print the pattern on to the dissoluble sheets–it runs through the printer with ease–then peel off the backing and stick it onto your quilt.

All you have to do is stitch over the lines!

Once all the stitching is complete, the sheet rinses away in minutes.

(Note–The sheet rinsed away in less than a minute, then it took a little coaxing to remove the ink from the printer. Soaking and a little rubbing did the trick!)

Stick and Stitch, Sulky


When we had a little break in the action, I asked the kids for a few drawings….

Owls and turtles and snakes–Oh my!

I plan to print the line drawings onto the Stick ‘n Stitch to recreate their projects into mini quilts or wall hangings for their bedrooms.

(BTW-The leftover S ‘n Stitch can be used to carve pumpkins!)

What about YOU?  Do YOU ever quilt with kids?

What are YOUR favorite projects?

We’d LOVE to hear!



PS….All tutorials, images and information are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog, pin or share with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other purposes, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com.  Thanks!

PPS…This post contains an affiliate link to Sulky.  If you choose to purchase anything (at NO additional cost to you) I may receive a little “pin-money”.  Thank you for supporting The Inbox Jaunt in this way!





  • OK, I definitely need to get some of this product and try it out. THanks for the comments about it. And what fun!!!! Doing up the kids’ drawings. 😀 My mom did a needlepoint pillow once from a drawing of my 5yo sister’s, and it was the neatest thing.

  • Beth in AZ

    I have a young friend who comes to sew with me weekly in the summer. She started when she was 6 and is now a polished 12 going on 13! Her brothers came with her the first summer. We started with string quilt blocks (not much worries about color selection OR seam allowance while mastering the sewing machine) and ended the summer with pillowcases. The boys ADORED the serger! (power tool!) Last yr she made a back pack and this summer a new purse to hold her new cell phone. Just so you know, we sew, swim AND eat! My husband calls her my honorary granddaughter! Lucky me!

  • Pam Jolly

    What a great idea for fm quilting. I would much rather quilt the block design than applique it.

  • Pat V

    At age six, each of my grandsons decided they wanted to make a quilt. They each designed, picked fabric, and we sewed together. True boys, they felt the faster the machine went the better. We were done in a hurry:). Both still have those quilts in their rooms.

  • Karen

    Last month brought me two young’uns to teach to quilt. Both girls are expecting new siblings, one a girl and one a boy. My six year old great niece had an amazing attention span and excellent coordination. The only part of her quilt that I did was the binding, due to time constraints. She cut her squares with my rotary cutter, laid them out, and sewed very straight and consistent lines. I even let her use my Oliso iron for pressing. Her work was very impressive! Her baby sister will be nice and warm. My twelve year old granddaughter is more of an instant gratification type. Sewing sessions were shorter and blocks a bit off kilter. She was more into the design process. I suggested she practice sewing straight lines on lined notebook paper at home before we make another quilt. Part of the issue with her quilt was that she chose to use cuddle fabric for the backing. That is even a challenge for me! She did love working on the longarm and I may hire her to do the quilting on some of my big quilts! Her free motion quilting was consistent throughout the quilt. I suggested meandering loop-de-loops and she did an awesome job. I hope over the years to see both girls become inspiring quilters.

    • WordPress.com Support

      Lovely to hear about budding quilters!

  • Becky Shaffer

    I have been teaching my 10 year-old great niece to sew for a little over a year. We started with clothes for her American Girl dolls. Last summer I took her to a rag quilt class for kids which she enjoyed, although she did not like how they expected her to sit for such long periods of time. She’s also made some simple skirts with elastic waistbands and pajama pants. We started a quilt from charm squares a few weeks ago. I have not let her use a Rotary cutter yet. But by putting two squares together and sewing on both sides of the diagonal lines she was able to make half-square triangles (which she called “magic”)! She’s going to have a cute quilt to enter in the junior division of our local quilt show if she gets it done in time. It’s been amazing to watch her progress!

    • WordPress.com Support

      How nice to spend your time together creating!

  • Marilyn

    Excited to hear about this. I was wanting to embellish some dish towels with some of my grandaughter and niece’s artwork and this sounds like the perfect product for that?

  • I read with great interest about the use of the Stick and Stitch and considered trying it until I read your note that stated: then it took a little coaxing to remove the ink from the printer. Soaking and a little rubbing did the trick! Did you really remove the ink from the printer by soaking and rubbing it? I can’t imagine doing that.

    • WordPress.com Support

      It was not hard at all to remove the ink. The ink is on the web not on the quilt fabric. I think it might be even easier if you stitched right next to the line. Stitching directly on top traps the web with the ink–that is what required a liittle coaxing.

      • Marta

        I am so lost in this conversation, LOL.. I looked and if my printer has a web, I couldn’t see it. 🙂

  • Gertrude

    I’m looking forward to this, Lori! My imagination is going already. We may be on vacation in September. Will the webinar be available later still? (I’m not sure how that stuff all works);

    • WordPress.com Support

      Yes. Sign up for it and you will receive a link to it that you can watch any time.

  • Vanessa

    I used a product like this for some hand stitched santas and snowmen that would have been awful to trace by hand. I never even thought to use it for fmquilting! Great idea!!!

  • Sounds like a fantastic product. I see Christmas and birthday gifts in my mind. My oldest granddaughter is interested in quilting and sewing but we’re easing into it. She’s still little.

  • I recently had a granddaughter come stay with me for a few days. This was a first! She stitched together a top for her older sister having her first baby in January. I have time before I quilt it, but she was so proud of herself and so am I!

    • WordPress.com Support

      What a great way to share your time with her. Something no one else can offer!

  • Marta

    This sounds great ! Ok. so, Nancy program and now Sulky! Yay! Your calendar fills up!
    Maybe this is the answer I have been looking for…I want to transfer a design to fabric and then stitch right over the design.. So it has to be transferred to the top surface of the fabric. Does the StickNStitch have to be put thru a printer or can you “draw” on it?
    My design is a drawing made by my nephew and it is 28 inches by 37 inches. It is going on a quilt for him. I have been considering a commercial printer to make me a copy on tracing paper.. Be great to avoid that.

    • WordPress.com Support

      I think so. I will try that and let you know

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