Good Afternoon, Quilters!
It’s been way too long since I last blogged. I want to thank all of you for your kind notes and overall patience for the last several weeks.
I’ve been happy and healthy-but very, very busy enjoying beautiful Minnesota weather with my family.
When I did have spare time, I didn’t have the mental energy to sit still in front of my computer.
So I took an unplanned sabbatical.
Of course that doesn’t mean I didn’t think of YOU!
My leisure time allowed time and space to daydream and explore a variety of projects.
I’ve been long arm quilting, creating teaching plans for 2022, designing quilts, making dolls, baking bread, reading lots of books, swimming, rowing, biking, hiking, photographing, playing with kids, making preschool art projects, and so much more!
I can’t wait to share them all with YOU!
What about YOU?
What have YOU been doing all summer and fall?
What ONE project do YOU want to complete before the end of the year?
Are YOU going to Paducah for AQS QuiltWeek 2022?
We’d LOVE to hear!
YOUR Well-Rested Quilter,
Lori-the-Lounge Lizard-no-Longer
Shop my Books

Welcome back but everyone needs a sabbatical once in a while.
Cindy Belden
So glad your back and had an enjoyable sabbatical.
Marly Rylaars
I’m glad you’re back, Lori. I was worried that you were ill as the FM QAL 2021, which I was following suddenly stopped in May or June. I missed having the lessons as they were keeping me free motioning regularly, and I was visibly improving, and becoming more courageous. Will you be continuing with the QAL?
You must not worry about taking a break, we are all still here when you come back. Right now I am working on a toddler quilt for my 15mo old great-granddaughter, Lili. Been working on it a while, but life intervenes as you know! Glad you’re badk.
Hi Lori — it sounds like you’ve been having a great time! I plan to be in Paducah for AQS Quiltweek. Hope to see you there!
Susan Perkins
Down time is always good for the mind. I have North Star fro MSQC and starting something new today. Keeping my mind busy waiting on test results. Enjoy.
Love the pictures of your grandchildren. we have 17 ranging in age from 29 to 7 and they live all over the country. so when we get to see them it is a PLUS! Just finished a quilt for a new grand-nephew . Now have to label it and send it off. We also just had another 6 windows replaced, had 7 done last year. Now the work comes putting everything back after painting touch-ups, etc.
Kath Heslep
Hi Lori!
R and R for all of us is important. I am happy you got some and it re-energized you. Staying active, staying involved, and continuing to work at our craft is surely the key to happy longevity. Your grandchildren look like a fun barrel of monkeys! Did you bribe them to get them to line up on the couch?
Some days I rely on handwork to get me through, others I am super-charged and commit to FMQ for some hours. It’s all about “staying in the flow.”
Kath Heslep
I’m so happy you are back after a relaxing (not sure that is the correct word after reading all your activities!!) summer. Treasure those moments with the ‘littles’ as they grow up so fast. Thank you for teaching me so much. You are a special lady.
So happy to hear that you took some well deserved time for yourself and your family! Those grandkids are so adorable. You have taught me so much. My goal is to spend some time at a friend’s house. She bought a Gammil and said that I can use it!!!!!
Your presence is so strong and consistent I met you while you were away and hadn’t yet realized you were gone. : D Your available online content reads like the ultimate in “emergency lesson plans.”
Stopping for grandbaby time and a mental energy break was such a smart move. So glad you’re taking care of you and family. No worries here for sure, I’ve just started your lessons and I’ve got plenty of “catching up” to do.
Happy quilting,
Mary Griffiths
I was just thinking of you…. We are happy to hear of your R and R…. Another important lesson. My newest goal is to long arm a whole cloth bedspread from a linen tablecloth. I’ll be doodling in Florida all winter!
Louise Banuski
So glad to have you back and glad you enjoyed your family.
So glad to hear you had a long visit with family, that is what we all have missed over the past months, or is it years? I have been making masks , then quilts, then masks, anything to keep busy during the many months of lockdown. Now I am trying to figure out how to quilt Christmas lap quilts with Minky backing on my 16 inch sit down longarm. Any ideas how to handle this??
I am thrilled you are well and had time for yourself! But you have been missed.
Looking forward to seeing what 2022 brings;
I have worked on my temperature quilt and practicing machine quilting.
Wow-your family is really growing-so wonderful. Those Grands will grow fast so enjoy them now!
Judy Monaghan
So nice to hear from you!! Glad all is well. I’ve been making twin size charity quilts and am completing border 15 of my Mrs. Billings quilt. Staying busy.
Lorraine Doyno Evans
Glad you are well. Everyone needs a break every now and then. Glad to hear from you.
So glad you’re back. I have definitely missed your blogs. Looking forward to your newest posts and projects.
I’ve spent my spare time this summer learning to use a long arm, and still have so much to learn. I would love to hear more about your adventures with your long arm (please!). We all need some time off for the important stuff now and again we all missed you and I’m so glad you are back!
jan bohn
Grandchildren trump everything!!!!
Lori, It’s wonderful that you had the opportunity to spend time with your loved ones and to explore all your other interests….sounds like you might need a rest from all that fun!
I now have all three of your books and am looking forward to a continuation of your FMQ lessons!
Donna Johnson
So happy all is well. We too have been busy, kind of sort of didn’t miss you till a few weeks ago when our life slowed down. Once I did realize you had not been sending anything I got concerned. I have a large extended family and know lots can happen in short time!! Our BIG EVENT this summer was the birth of our first granddaughter, she came to us after six grandsons. Eden Rose.
Kathie Banks
Hi Lori. Enjoy those Grands while they’re small, because the teenage Grands get busy with sports, jobs and friends. I did get to take the granddaughters to the Modern Museum of Art over the summer and shoot fireworks with some of the boys. At this age, we Grama’s take what we can get. LOL. Two of my grandsons picked fabric for their parents anniversary quilt and their sister spent a day working on the design and the name of the quilt with me. I spent the rest of the time piecing that quilt and teaching myself to use my Grace Q-zone Hoop Frame to quilt it. I totally had to relearn feathers! I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with next…perhaps a book on converting your style from FMQ on the domestic to working on the longarm.
Marilyn Hodge
Good for you! We all need a break sometimes and I’m very glad to know you are okay!
Donna Matlik
So glad you are back, Lori! I can’t wait to learn more. Aren’t grandkids a blessing? I have nine ages 18 to 2 months old. They bring such joy!
When COVID hit and isolation started I joined a group to make masks needed for front line workers. After over 1,000 masks and depleting my stash, I was ready to walk away from sewing.I felt totally burned out. My sister encouraged me to be a tester for her patterns for a block of the month club she was teaching. I did and began to have fun with it. I knew I was going to need to quilt this king quilt when I finished assembling my quilt blocks.
So I bought your books and a Q16 in March and my journey in free motion began. I started with 2 small practice pieces. Then you encouraged binding them. That caught me. I did two more and then tried a lap quilt. That led to quilting my king sized Christmas quilt. Then 4 more lap quilts happened and now I am working on a queen sized garden quilt. I have learned so much.
Thank you! I had no clue I could learn so much so fast. Until your books, I have been self taught. I have no classes near me. You are my teacher.
Charlene Arbogast
I have to say I was concerned about your abrupt silence. I am happy you were enjoying your family and summer. I completed a Hawaiian style quilt and used many of the techniques I learned last year. I was si excited with the results. Life us good.
Arvilla Trag
I have a quilt top done with 10″ squares and sashing. Nine of 30 blocks are machine embroidered withlarge dragonflies, but the rest of it is going to be quilted. I am going through my “favorite Lori motifs” list for inspiration. The quilt is a gift for a physically challenged young woman who has completed two masters degrees and just got her first job.
Julia Parrino
So happy to see your post today, and learn how you’ve gotten to spend time with your grands. They are one of God’s gifts. We moved over the summer, as did our children. Very busy times. I just finished a baby quilt. The first I’ve tried since my detached retina surgery. It’s not perfect, but it really felt great to be able to quilt again. I am almost blind in my eye, and it will never get better. But I’m going to keep at it and see how much I can improve and overcome this deficit.
So sorry to hear of your eye trouble, but hats off to you for keeping at quilting.
Julia Parrino
Kari thank you so much for your note. I really appreciate the support!
Anytime spent with grandkids is the best, so happy you were able to take the time to enjoy your summer. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for next year!
Marilyn Larkin
Well done Lori, sometimes we forget to prioritise the most important things in life; family, fun, community and self. You have spent years looking after us your quilting community, and now you have re-balanced your life to include all the things you love. Thank-you for all you have shared with us in the past, we will never forget or abandon you and very happy for you that your summer has been full of great blessings and joy. Enjoy everything you wish to do and everything you ever do.
Glad you’re back. Sounds like a busy and love-filled time away. I’ve stayed busy making quilts for gifting and also donating to various organizations. Hoping to get some smaller quilted gifts made in November. Then i will spend December working up my 2022 quilt gift list plus my donation quilts.
Cathie Houtcooper
So happy for you. So happy for us. I missed you. Cathie
Lori Jacobs
Lori,so glad you were able yo relax & enjoy life to do what makes you happy.
I have a few projects I want to complete by the red of the year.
I was asked to teach some classes @ a quilt shop & have enjoyed the chance to fo so.
I look forward to your posts again.
Robin Howe
I’ve been learning how to FMQ. I bought 2 of your books to give me ideas. I love them!! I’ve also been spending lots of time with my baby grandson!
Sue P
Glad to know that you are back! I hope to finish a wall hanging, Sugar Plum Stocking Treats, by Bunny Hill before Christmas. The quilt top is pieced, but quilting it will be a challenge! I will not be able to attend the AQS Show in Paducah because a family trip to Disney is planned for that time. I look forward to seeing what you have been working on!
Rose Constable
So glad you had time with family — that’s so important. I’ve been working on the fish leaders and enders and hope to finish the flimsy for the lap quilt in the next day or two. Looking forward to seeing what everyone else has been making. Rose Constable 🙂
Margaret Greenwald
You are a very clever woman. Time off spent with the ‘littles’ and reading are two of my favorites. I am in the midst of rearranging and cleaning out my studio.
Even though I have never met any of you, I really enjoy reading all your stories! I’ve been busy making an old fashioned felt (1960’s) stocking for my granddaughter! AND I’m taking violin lessons for first time even though I am a Grandma! I’m SO excited and I’m actually learning this difficult instrument! My goal and dream is to play with my son who plays guitar! I pray God is blessing all of your lives despite the stress of our current situations.
Glad you are well & enjoying those grand ones!
Welcome , It is wonderful to hear that you spent time with family, life moves too quickly !
Diane Obernesser
Glad to see you’re back. Being around grand kids is so special.
Marijane Smith
You are so lucky to spend time with your Little’s’! What a treat for all!
Rita Scott
So glad to hear from you, I looked around to make sure you hadn’t posted elsewhere. We spent a week with our kids and grandkids in Paynesville, MN in early June. Good time had by all.
Working on a new Bargello Christmas Tree Skirt with my quilting buddy. All cut and ready to sew this weekend.
Need a boost on quilting my tops that are ready to go.
Lori: So happy you were able to enjoy time with the grands! I find that time most rewarding. Looks like you may have a baseball team on your hands with all those boy grands!
I’m looking forward to the 2022 MQ Show, as I don’t believe I will make Paducah next year😔. I do see that you are possibly teaching for the MQ show and that would be stellar.
Well, welcome back!
Kate B
Thrilled that you are back & had a wonderful summer MN summers are some of the best IMHO. Can’t wait to see what you have to teach us next!
suzanne hagen
I backed a quilt with flannel. It also has a lighter weight batting. i am thinking of hand quilting it, as I enjoy that and for ease of quilting!
i’d lked to try “big stitches”…not too big…and ordered a little heavier thread. Any further ideas?
Helen reimers
Everyone needs a break Missed you. Glad your back
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