Quilt Sandwich Hurry-Up Recipe

March 13, 2014
Iron, silhouette


Iron, silhouetteJust a quick tip for today…when you are making small quilt sandwiches for practice or for small vase quilts, you may be able to get by without basting… by ironing the three layers together.

I usually iron the top and back very carefully.  (If there are any wrinkles or folds visible in the fabric before you start free motion quilting, they will be there when you are finished, too–and they are much more difficult to remove after quilting!)

Then I steam the batting a little-if it has any major creases…

Finally, I layer the sandwich, smooth the back with my hand and then press it from the top.  This is enough to hold the layers together while I stitch.  I am not sure this method holds for a long period of time– I think it is a small amount of moisture from ironing that holds the layers.

Iron, silhouette

So the next time you’re in a hurry to get your ideas down on the fabric, give this method a try!

Iron, silhouetteFrom the Happy, hurried quilter,


PS…All photos, information, and tutorials are the property of Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt and are intended for personal use only.  Feel free to re-blog or Pin with attribution to The Inbox Jaunt.  For all other uses, please contact me at lckennedy@hotmail.com.  Thank you!



  • Terry Sheldon

    Hint I learned about spray basting…most people spray WAY too much, all you have to do is quick little squirts on the corners then a couple around in the interior…for one this small I would do corners and one in the center. Just very quick blasts.

  • I’ve used the “irony” method frequently and it works well for smaller sandwiches. Just ironing two fabrics together, especially long strips, helps keep the fabric together while sewing, no pins necessary.

  • Polyquats

    I always use bamboo batting which has natural ‘stickiness’ that makes laying out so much easier. I don’t baste small projects, though I will sometimes put a pin in each corner.

  • Wanda

    I have used the 505 spray when using cotton batting and it worked very nicely. It does not work well with polyester or blend s. I did not have any problems with my needle but keep in mind when spraying to spray very lightly. You do not need much. Also I spray the battling not the material.

  • Laura M

    I spray baste everything, no matter whether it’s a small piece, or a large quilt. I do find though, if I am using flannel as a backing, which I like for little table pieces, I don’t need to spray baste that, the flannel seems to stick nicely to the batting all by itself.

  • Sunny Chandonais

    This month’s Quilting Arts magazine has an article on how to make a booklet (or two or three) out of our FME samples. I would not use metal eyelets, however, and instead just use eyelet buttonholes with a ribbon or large circle clips. There is also available batting that is fusible on both sides, a boon for practice sandwiches.

  • I have been using spray basting for small projects and practice sandwiches…so far so good!

  • sillyandrea

    Would this shrink the batting though?

  • Barb E

    I use hair spray to keep the layers together. It works well on a lap size quilt. I lay the quilt top on the batting, fold back to half way and spray both fabric and batting. They stick together well when the front is done I then do the same with the back. I only use a few pins and it stays together until I finish the lap quilt.

    • Laura M

      Barb do you find that your needle gets sticky using hair spray??

      • Barb E

        No once it is dry you don’t even know that it is on the fabric. By the time you are finished quilting you don’t even feel anything. After you wash the quilt it is all gone. Plus you don’t need to do outside or paper your area to use it. Try it on a sample sandwich first and see how well it works.

  • Sharon

    Love the “irony” humor! I need it this morning since we are having more snow and freezing rain in New Hampshire. Ugh! Thanks for this tip. Don’t know why I’ve not thought of steaming batting to get the wrinkles out, but I will remember that for the next one. Thanks, Lori, for all your tips, tutorials, and humor!

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